Chapter 59: Battle for Cartalpas

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Location: Cartalpas, Holy Milishial Empire
1st August, 1633, 8:00 PM

The bombardment lightened throughout the battle, and Milishian soldiers rested against the streets of the once-prosperous city. Light is most visible at night, and they can see Gra Valkan forces miles away with their bare eyes.

"Damn it.. why must it be Cartalpas..?"

"Maybe the world conference didn't satisfied them enough. Those assholes are some crazy bastard, they fucking fight like monster over there"

The man grabs a brick and throws it across the vacant street, light flickers, followed by a voice. They go on high alert and point their firearms in that direction.

"Show yourself!"

"Who the fuck are you!?"

"Come out!"

The shouting was all over the place, they intend on forcing whoever that was out of their hiding.



They fired. A warning shot lands on the corner of the building, but there is no response. Some of the soldiers approach it slowly, peek over the corner, and something unexpected happens.

"Gra Valkan! They're here!" One of the soldier shouted.

Machine gun fire sounded across the street.

"Shoot them!"

Milishian troops fired back, but they lacked the numbers and firepower to effectively counterattack.

"They pushed in this far!? I thought the mage was covering for us!"

"What's that?"

He noticed the small tube across the street. The Gra Valkans was saying something he couldn't hear. Nonetheless, he captures a single command from the enemy.

"Launch the gas bomb!"

"Yes sir! Launch the gas bomb!"

In second, green smoke fill the area. Milishian troops still continue their assault.

"Keep firing!"

One of the soldier pick the gas bomb up and inspect it.

"Anyone know what these are? It releasing smoke everywhere"

"It's to obscure our vision. Focus on the enemy"

They continue battling without protection, unaware of the gas's effects. Shot after shot, the effect eventually caught up with them. The weaker one begins coughing up blood first, and many people notice this and begin pulling them out of the fight. Demi-humans' bodies function similarly to humans, with just slight differences within the body. Many others begin to feel the affects.

"What.. is this..!?"

"My eyes!"

Officer nearby initiate an order, seeing how this situation turned out.

"Fall back! Now!"

"..That is not a normal smoke at all"

Coughing was everywhere, and some of them even began vomiting or collapsed on the ground. He instinctively covers his nose and continues an order to fall back. The street went silent after that. The group retreat toward the great Aliben warehouse, which is strategically located near the skirmishes. It held a variety of materials required for both sides. Milishian troops strengthened the position as swiftly as possible to preparation for Gra Valkan's advance, this will not be a one-sided battle.

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