Chapter 58: Turning tide

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Location: Ragna, Gra Valkas Empire
1st August, 1633, 7:00 AM

Gra Cabal, Gra Lux's son and the empire's new emperor, gripped the paper tightly in his hand, almost as if he was about to tear it up. The paper was an ultimatum from the Soviet Union, delivered directly to him from Moscow. He is overwhelmed with emotions that he cannot grasp. The ultimatum's content is brief, yet he feared it especially because of this. The message was written in Gra Valkan text, which he could better understand.

"Due to the unjustified use of unneeded weapons of mass destruction on Mu's military fortification, we will take appropriate measures against this threat. Ragna has two months to withdraw forces from the Mu border, and if you do not withdraw the troops or reply to us in any way within those two months, an official declaration of war will be made. However, because to this, we will also embargo Gra Valkas Empire. Every trade from Europe to the empire will be completely cut off. Moscow and party leader Mikhail Gorbachev will always wait for your answer, so please reconsider your choices carefully."

He couldn't believe what he was reading was true. If they do not act quickly, the red army will be mobilized, which is the last thing they want to happen in this war. The request was ironically simple, they only needed to withdraw the troops, which would have been easy if the war hadn't already escalated this far already. He immediately went to the army headquarters to discuss the matter with a high-ranking official.

"Your majesty.. this ultimatum.." General said.

"Yes, i know. That's why I'm asking you about this"

"I know how you feel but.. we cannot pull the troops out from Mu"

"..You do know how bad the war would turn if the red army take action right?"

"Yes your highness but we push them this far. Pulling the troops out of all the sudden will cause logistics problem and chaos within the chain of command. We are going to lost more men than we could save"

"Then how can we response to this?"

"I-" General words was interrupted as the phone ring on his desk.

"Pardon my rudeness" He bowed down to Gra Cabal.

He sigh and walk up to the phone, pick it up.

"This is General of Gra Valkas Empire headquarter, Sanada speaking"

"Thank god! General! I'm intelligence officer of Southern Front Command, Guomi, general! You need to hear this!"

"Calm down. The emperor is in the room" Sanada whispers.

The other end of the call went silent for a bit before realizing his mistake.

".. I'm sorry sir"

"But, the members of Warsaw pact had just declared war on us.. they are shipping their troops to Mu right now!" Guomi reported.

His eyes widen, he couldn't believe it.

"Are you kidding? It hasn't been a full month yet" He tried his best to suppress his voice.

"I'm not kidding sir... Our reconnaissance team in Otaheit contacted us that approximately 300,000 troops from Warsaw pact is in Mu as of currently and their numbers seem to be growing!"

"We.. we can't win this war.." Sanada mumbled under his breath.

"Why- why did they declared war on us? We didn't provoked them right?"

"Well sir, apparently because of our unjustified use of uh.. 'nuclear weapon' that caused them to declared war on us" Guomi said.

The term nuclear weapon was never known within Gra Valkas empire, as well as the Mutually Assured Destruction. It is a concept that is entirely alien to them, Gra Valkas empire never sign any treaty regarding nuclear weapon with any Earth's nation.

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