The Truth

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We were led out, and as we moved, I noticed a familiar pair of grey eyes staring back at me from the crowd.

Liam's expression was that of disappointment.

I felt guilty, and I feared I had lost his love forever, and the thought of never earning his forgiveness was crushing.

The guards led us to a vast, open land with lush green grass and towering trees.

It was clear we were about to pay the price for our foolish decision to come here in the first place.

"Kneel, all of you!" a guard barked, and we had no choice but to comply.

They roughly bound us to the trees, and I could see some of them brandishing whips, ready to begin our punishment.

I closed my eyes, the pain in my chest building.

I longed to see Liam again, to know if what I felt was truly love.

But before I could dwell on it further, the guards began their brutal flogging.

The whip's lash felt like a searing blade, and I couldn't help but scream as my body began to bleed. It felt like I was going to die.

They finally stopped. The pain still lingered, but I opened my eyes to find Liam standing before me, his expression unreadable. Was he angry, annoyed, or disappointed?.

"Go now," he instructed the guards.

A faint smile crossed my lips, and tears began to fall. Liam's eyes locked onto mine, and he reached out, his hand gently brushing my cheek.

"Why did you do that?" he asked, his voice cracking as tears streamed down his face.

Is he crying?, But why?. I was the one in pain, not him.

He reached out to untie the ropes that bound me to the tree, and immediately pulled me into a gentle embrace.

I felt my blood-soaked clothes pressing against his. I was too weak to protest, too exhausted to stay awake. My eyes grew heavy, and I surrendered to unconsciousness, feeling Liam's arms cradle me as I slipped away


My eyes fluttered open, and I scanned my surroundings. This place was unfamiliar . Where was I?

"You're awake," a voice said, breaking the silence.

My gaze swept the room, landing on Hannah's concerned face. "What are you doing here?" I asked, my voice weak as I struggled to sit up.

To my surprise, I felt no pain, despite the memories of torture still fresh in my mind. "Be careful," Hannah warned, rushing to my side.

"How are you feeling?"

"Hmm" I nod. "But why don't I feel pains from the torture?"

I watched as she stood up, and started walking towards the window.

"Layla, you really shouldn't have done that. His highness healed you from your injuries." She paused, looking out the window. "His highness really loves you, he really does, but you don't feel the same way."


"Layla, I'm really disappointed in you. You shouldn't really have done that." She turned to face me.

"I wish you hadn't"

"A massage from the Queen!" a lady appeared, standing by the doorway.

"Layla, you are to come with me to the palace. The Queen demands to see you."

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