Queen's Order

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I felt a rush of fear and confusion as we were led into a dimly lit grand hall, with a sea of faces all turned in our direction, their gazes like icy daggers cutting into my skin.

My heart pounded in my chest as I glanced around, taking in the sight of people seated in rows at each side, with short walls in front of them, stopping them from directly stepping out.

"Don't forget what I said earlier. The Queen's really nice, so listen to whatever she says," the man who held me from behind whispered to me.

He pushed me to kneel on the cold, hard floor along with the rest of my captive friends.

A wave of pain shot through my body, but I bit back a groan, unwilling to show weakness in front of our captors.

My gaze eventually lifted to the woman seated on a magnificent throne, her regal aura almost tangible.

Her smile felt ethereal, and she was undeniably beautiful.


I shook my head, trying to wave off any distraction.

I won't let my guard down, I must take revenge and that is for sure.

"Why did you all do that?" she asked, her voice gentle like the summer breeze.

Just wow!

I shook my head once more, trying not to feel mesmerized.

"Why wouldn't we, huh?" I yelled

"Oh" she paused and smiled "I won't let you all go without receiving a punishment from me," she stated

"But don't worry, it won't be a harsh one. You'll just stay here and work as slaves for sometime before going back to your home."

"WHAT?, You do not mean it. Never would I want to work as a slave in the land that is rightfully ours!" Olivia yelled, causing gasps amongst the people seated.

The woman remained composed despite our defiance, her gaze was steady as she smiled at us.

"Me neither, I won't just sit back and let that happen!" one of us yelled again and a guard from behind kicked him hard, causing him to groan in pain.

"Easy there, don't kill him," she intervened, her voice calm yet authoritative.

"We would be the one to kill you instead, your sympathy is not needed!" Mariam shouted.

"We would take back what is rightfully ours just like you did years ago!" one of us yelled.

"Kill us if you want, but our spirit won't be at peace till we've achieved our goal!" another shouted.

"Oh," she said softly "what happened years ago had already happened, why do you bring it up now?"

Anger and pain pierced through my soul in an instant.

"You still say that even with the amount of deaths that occurred, really?" I spoke up, my voice echoing in the hall.

Annoyance crept in as the hall still remained silent.

"People died, parents lost their kids and children became orphans at very young ages, and you sit in your throne to speak such trashy nonsense?" I continued.

"Be quiet!" A man kicked me from behind, but I stood my ground.

"haaa," the queen sighed.

"I understand how you all must be feeling, but this isn't necessary. You should let go of the past and move on with your dear lives."


"You all should be good children, okay?" she Interrupted me, her tone gentle, like a mother guiding her young ones.

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