Arrows Of Death

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Warning🚫🚫: The following may contain themes of death that could be upsetting to some readers. Please proceed with caution and take care of yourself while reading.

Chaos reigns as terror grips a once peaceful town.

The story unfolds with everyone scrambling to save themselves, running for their lives amidst a barrage of mysterious arrows that rain down death upon the unsuspecting crowd.

"Ahhh!!!" Screams are heard as dead bodies of the escaping people constantly fell on the floor, like leaves falling from a tree.

"Aunt aunt!" a young girl witnesses her beloved aunt who had been running alongside her, suddenly falling down at the arrows of the unseen attacker.

"Layla...r-run" these were her last words to her niece as she suddenly gave in to death.

The little girl's world shattered as she desperately pleaded for her aunt to rise, refusing to believe the cruel reality before her eyes.

"Aunty, wake up, wake up. You can't just leave me here, please get up" the young girl wept.

"Layla Layla" a young woman - layla's mother called as she ran to meet her daughter.

"Mum, aunt!" Layla pointed to the lifeless body of her dear aunt.

"Layla, your aunt is dead, let's go!"

Her mother dragged her away, but she refused to go.

Layla's grief threatened to consume her, unable to comprehend the abrupt loss that has befallen her family, tears staining her cheek.

"Amanda, Amanda!" Layla's father - Gabriel voice pierces through the chaos as he sprinted towards them, his eyes wild with fear.

Tears streamed down Layla's face as she hugged her father tightly.

"Let's go, let's get out of here!" Gabriel urged.

"Dad, Aunt is dead," Layla cried out, clinging to his arm, reluctant to leave behind the only home she had ever known.

But Gabriel was determined to leave, knowing that they needed to escape to survive.

"Layla, we need to go. They'll kill us if we don't," he insisted.

He scooped her up in his arms, and she struggled to release herself but couldn't.

Her mother stood by his side, her eyes reflecting sadness, and they began running into the unknown, leaving behind everything they once knew.

"Aunt," Layla whispered, her voice a heartbreaking echo in the chaos as they fled for their lives.

Layla's dad kept running with Layla on his shoulder, alongside his wife till they got to the sea, where people kept running into ships, a symbol of refuge.

Layla's father gently placed her down, his trembling hands cupping her cheeks.

"Layla take care of your mom okay?, Be a good girl," he said, his eyes welling up with tears.

"What about you Dad?" Layla asked, her eyes gleaming with confusion.

He embraced her tightly, finally letting out his tears as he sobs.

He couldn't contain his pain anymore. He was willing to sacrifice himself to save the people, leaving his dear family behind.

He pulled away and turned to his wife, "take care of yourself" he said, embracing her.

He finally pulled away and urged Layla and her mother towards the safety of the ship.

Layla mother nodded and rushed to Carry her daughter who clung to her father, refusing to let go.

He scooped Layla up in his arms and handed her to her mother, who swiftly embraced her and rushed away.

"Dad! Dad!" Layla cried, as she was been taken away.

Amanda ran as fast as she could into the ship, stealing one last glance at her husband as tears streamed down her cheeks.

Gabriel stood tall, watching his family get into the ship, his heart hurting with sorrow.

He wiped his tears and turned to aid others into the ships.

The eleven years old Layla, patiently waited for her father to return.

But suddenly, tragedy striked in a very sudden and brutal way.

Arrows rained down from an unseen enemy, more than it had the other time.

Layla's father was struck down by one of these deadly arrows, leaving her and her mother devastated as they clung to each other in grief.

The ship began to move away from the chaos and Layla's heart shattered at the loss of her beloved father, her cries of pain piercing through the chaos.

"Dad! Dad!" She screamed, consumed by grief over the loss of her father.

With tears streaming down her cheeks, Layla is forced to leave her father's lifeless body behind as the ship sails to an uncertain future.


Layla fell asleep in the ship after the long cry, her mother hugging her tightly.

The journey across the sea had been long, untill the ship finally came to a gentle stop, and they were faced with an unexpected barrier - a mysterious wall that seemed to bind them to that place.

The people in the ship got down, confused.

Layla's mother lifted her daughter in her arms and carried her out of the ship.

The sense of helplessness was clear as people clung to their loved ones, unable to move forward despite having endured so much to reach this point.

Some brave men stepped forward with hammers, determined to break down the wall that stood in their way.

But their efforts only resulted in injury, the wall remaining stubbornly intact.

Layla's mother sat down near the wall, cradling her daughter's head in her lap.

She thought of her late husband and sister as tears cascaded down her cheeks, each one a testament to the pain and loss she had endured.


Years passed and the people had still been trapped by the barrier for ten long years.

The people who once dreamed of venturing beyond its confines now resigned themselves to building their homes along the towering wall that imprisoned them, clinging to the hope of one day breaking free.

Some of the older villagers who had witnessed the calamity of what happened 10 years ago faded away, leaving behind only memories and unanswered questions.

In the midst of this existence, one young woman stood out - Layla.

Layla's upbringing in a humble, muddy bungalow with her devoted mother, Amanda, had instilled in her, determination and a fierce sense of justice.

Despite the taunts from some of the villagers, who mocked her for being ugly.

Layla paid them no mind. Her focus was singular - avenging the deaths of her family and the others who had perished 10 years ago, when tragedy had struck the village and sealed their fate.

Growing into a young woman of strength, Layla found happiness in friendships with those who shared the same desire as her.

Together with her allies, Layla plotted and planned, gathering support and resources for the day when they would make their stand against the forces that had caused them pain, and she swore to take revenge.

And though whispers of doubt and fear occasionally threatened to shake her determination, layla remained steadfast in her mission to kill the person who caused those deaths 10 years ago.

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