The Big House

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The man at the front seat kept making the car move into the large compound.

It didn't even deserve to be called a compound.

It looked more like a state to me.

I watched in amazement the beautiful landscapes with gardens and few people dressed in uniforms running Helter skelter, both male and female.

The car kept moving on the smooth ground, and it didn't stop till it got to another gate.

The gate opened by itself again, revealing another breathtaking landscape with gardens and a few buildings on either side.

The car still continued moving until it arrived at an enormous house.

"We're here," Liam said from beside me, and two people rushed to open the car doors on both sides for us.

"Welcome, Your Royal Majesty," a man said, bowing as Liam stepped out.

I looked around in confusion, wondering what was happening.

"Aren't you going to step out, ma'am, or do you need assistance?" a guard asked me.

"Why don't you get me out, huh?" I replied, eyeing the guard suspiciously.

These people think they can just treat me nicely, thinking I'm unaware of their intentions.

Only God knows where they've kept our weapons.

"Why don't you come out?"

Liam's voice broke through my thoughts, his expression soft as he spoke.

"Do you need me to carry you out?"

I let out a small huff and made my way out of the car, standing awkwardly close to him as he looked down at me with a calm gaze.

"Come on," he said gently, offering me a smile as he led me towards the grand building in front of us.

The high ceilings and lavish decor took my breath away, but I refuse to show any sign of amusement as we made our way inside.

A group of men followed closely behind us, their eyes fixed on Liam with respect.

Hmph, bunch of creeps being submissive to this man.

"Greetings, Your Royal Majesty," a lady said as she bowed before Liam.

"Hmm," Liam responded.

Liam led me to the center of the grand hall and I stood beside him with my brows furrowed as  people gathered around and watched us.

His hand grasped my shoulder from behind, pulling me closer to him.

"This is Layla, my personal maid!" He announced.

His smile was warm, but my gaze swept across the unfamiliar faces, masked in polite interest.

If only they knew the disdain that churned within me.

I couldn't bring myself to smile at any of them.

I simply rolled my eyes and folded my hands, shifting uncomfortably under the weight of their gazes.

Why are they staring so much?

"Permit me to take her to the maid quarters, Sir Liam," a young lady insisted.

Liam chuckled, a smile playing on his lips.

"Oh, don't worry about that, she'll be staying in the guest room."

I couldn't help but shoot him a cold glare, but he simply returned a smile instead.

"Oh, but Sir Liam, a maid shouldn't stay in the same place as her master," the lady persisted.

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