Pain and loss

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I pulled a white, wet cloth out of the washing machine and twisted it,

"Keep coming, and you'll know," I playfully taunted, smiling as I held it.

Suddenly, they stopped and stared at each other in confusion, before cautiously stepping forward until we were just a few steps apart.

"Do it already," the lady I had slapped demanded, still clutching her red cheek.

Without warning, they blew something white into my eye, causing me to groan in pain. The stinging sensation intensified, all the ladies started laughing, oblivious to my discomfort. I frantically searched for water to soothe my throbbing eye, blinking and rubbing it as they continue to laugh.

"Just you wait, I'll teach you a lesson," I vowed.

"So foolish, you even dare say that in your condition," one lady mocked, her laughter echoing in the room. "We'll teach you a lesson," another chimed in.

"Give me the scissors," a lady demanded, sending a shiver down my spine. Scissors? Was she planning to cut my hair?

I tightened my grip on the cloth and began swinging it in every direction, striking them with the wet fabric. Their screams filling the room, but I pressed on, fueled by a mix of pain and adrenaline.

As I continued to swing, someone finally managed to grab hold of the cloth, forcing me to let go. "You crazy witch," she hissed before kicking me, causing me to crash into the washing machine.

I heard the sounds of the scissors above my head, cutting through my long locks. Panic surged through me. But before I could do anything about it, somebody held both my arms, pushing me back.

"Let go of me!" I yelled with a mixture of anger and fear.

"I'll make you even uglier," the woman threatened as she continued to snip away at my hair.

"What do you think you're doing?" a voice interrupted, causing the scissor-wielding woman to freeze in her tracks.

"Oh, uhm, Hannah. What are you doing here?" she stuttered, clearly caught off guard by the unexpected interruption.

The pain in my eyes was still there, and the ladies blocked my view, presumably to shield Hannah from witnessing whatever was unfolding before her.

"What are you hiding?" Hannah asked, sounding a bit angry.

"Oh, uhm, it's nothing, nothing," one of the ladies replied nervously.

"Step aside," Hannah commanded.

"Oh, come on, Hannah, it's nothing. You don't have to worry, okay? Now, just leave," the lady insisted.

"You heard me, step aside," Hannah reiterated, her patience wearing thin.

"Seriously? I me-" the lady tried to reason, but she was suddenly silenced, and they slowly obeyed, revealing me sitting on the floor, hands rubbing my eyes in discomfort.

"Layla?" Hannah's concern was evident as she knelt beside me. "What happened here?"

"What happened to you?" she asked softly.

"Ask them what they did," I said.

"What happened here!" Hannah's demand was directed at the ladies who had been standing in the way.

"She was just messing with us, so we taught her a lesson. It's no big deal, is it?" one of the ladies attempted to justify their actions nonchalantly.

"You serious? This is no big deal?" Hannah's disbelief was palpable.

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