Victory Captured

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I opened my eyes slowly, feeling a warm weight on my shoulder.

I didn't even realize when I had fallen asleep.

Turning my head, I saw Mariam  resting her head on my shoulder.

Noona, Olivia, and Cathy lay on the floor around us, unaware of the world in their slumber.

A small smile tugged at my lips as I whisper to myself, "Finally."

The jolt of the ship hitting something rumbled through the deck, jolting everyone else awake.

"We've arrived!" A voice shouted.

We all got on our feet and immediately gathered our weapons and stumbled out into the darkness, each of us clutching onto our weapons tightly.

It was really late and dark. But with our lamps to guide us, we were able to venture into the village.

Memories from 10 years ago began flooding my mind, the bitterness of that long ago incident still lingering in my heart.

My dad had died 10 years ago, probably on this ground, and we couldn't even take his body with us to give him a befitting burial.

I could almost tear up, but now's not the time.

The surroundings didn't feel the same, everything feels different.

I could feel it even if we were in the dark with just the aid of our lamps.

The Sandy and spacious ground didn't feel like anything I recognized.

My friends and I exchanged cautious glances as we stepped further.

"Over here, there's a building we could spend the night in!" A voice called out, drawing our attention towards a small structure not too far from us.

We hastened towards the building and entered the room, it became clear that it was far too small to accommodate all of us.

The rest had to go somewhere else to sleep for the night, but I was lucky Mariam was by my side the whole time.

Mariam and I found a secluded spot in the corner of the room.

We huddled close, the soft glow of our lamps casting a warm light over our faces.

And so, we settled in, the flickering light casting dancing shadows on the walls as we drifted off to sleep.


I slowly woke up, stretching and yawning, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

Opening my eyes fully, I noticed few of us were already awake and the rest still sleeping.

"Come on, everyone, get up!" I called out.

I could hear mumbled protests and groans.

But one by one, they began to rouse and get up, including Mariam.

"Let's get moving," someone else said, already moving towards the door.

I nodded, as I followed them out.

However, to my surprise, the world outside looked vastly different than how i remembered it.

The village seemed more advanced, with tall, gleaming buildings stretching towards the sky in the distance.

The changes in the environment is definitely not changing our minds.

Gripping my weapon tightly, I led my companions towards the intimidating structures, each step bringing us closer to those building.

My Angelic DemonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz