Chapter 48: The Final Assault

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The flames devouring the island of Elegia could be painted on a canvas immortalising this tragedy for future generations. A huge ship berthed near the concert hall on the seafront. The crew disembarked on land, horrified to see the place destroyed, with many corpses of the people of Elegia killed by (Y/N). The captain of the crew jumped from the deck of the ship and landed on the scene where he noticed Uta in a very bad state, covered in blood.

Approaching her, he took her in his arms and noticed that she was still alive. Uta's poor eyesight caught the silhouette of a man she hated, she wanted to hit him but her body was too weak to move as weak sounds escaped from her mouth.

Uta: "S-Shanks... W-What? W-What are you doing here?"

Shanks: "Don't talk and save your strength. We're going to treat you, you can still be saved."

Uta: "I-It's not important. (Y/N)... H-He needs help, you have to save him..."

Hearing (Y/N)'s name, Shanks looked up to see smoke rising into the dark sky. This destruction was the work of (Y/N), who continued to spread despair across the island... In the middle of the city, (Y/N), controlled by an evil version of himself, was fighting Yamato, who wanted to avenge Kikunojo's death. Shadow (Y/N) had killed Kikunojo with his own hands and Yamato's heart was filled with anger.

Yamato: "Take this! Narikabura Arrow!" With Takeru, Yamato sent a powerful beam of energy towards Shadow (Y/N).

Shadow (Y/N): "Wall of Troy!" He raised his arms, creating a wind barrier to protect himself from the attack.

Yamato: "I know almost all of (Y/N)'s techniques, but I've never seen that one."

Shadow (Y/N): "I've observed (Y/N)'s life for many years. He is used to naming his techniques after the culture of Wano, his homeland. However, I'm different from him, we don't have the same techniques although we share the same power."

Yamato: "I understand that you're not the real one (Y/N). It's like with the Gashadokuro, (Y/N) is again controlled by a spirit. I'm a bit reassured, because I know he could never have hurt Kiku... Release (Y/N) and disappear forever!"

Shadow (Y/N): "That's cute, you want to save the man you love. Let me teach you that love is the worst feeling. It breaks and destroys human hearts, but no one can resist its call, what a cruel and unfair feeling..."

Yamato: "I-I'm not in love with (Y/N). Don't pretend you know what love is, you don't have any human emotions otherwise you wouldn't have caused this bloodbath. Now disappear and let (Y/N) live his life happily!"

Shadow (Y/N): "I'm sorry, but I can't accept your request. Humanity is about to experience a great change, so I can't obey the orders of a capricious child. You'll understand my true strength. Cyclone of the Four Winds!"

Yamato felt a shiver of fear as she saw the smile on Shadow's (Y/N) face. The wind whirled around him, changing colour. The Vice Captain was forced backwards by the force of the wind, noticing gusts of blue, red, green and yellow blowing across the area.

Despite the strength of the wind, Yamato had no intention of giving up against her enemy. A bolt of lightning fell from the sky onto Yamato's kanebo as she charged towards her opponent. As she was about to hit him, a powerful explosion of coloured wind swept Yamato away and shook the whole island.

Yamato: "T-This isn't over yet... Y-You may be strong, but I won't lose." The smoke from the explosion dissipated to show Yamato who had transformed to protect herself from Shadow's technique (Y/N).

Her state was serious, covered in blood and wounds. With her body trembling, Yamato walked slowly towards (Y/N), saying his name. Looking into Shadow (Y/N)'s eyes, she could no longer see her enemy, but the man she sincerely loved. Yamato was desperate to rescue him from the nightmare he was living inside his own body.

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