ACT 16

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Babka drove the car to the border crossing point. At the border crossing stood large men with big long guns and tattooed arms. A gray metallic line ran from the corners of their eyes down their necks. They probably had bionic parts in their eyes.

He slowly approached his father and stopped. One of the big men came and knocked on the window. Babka opened the window

"Hola. Vamos a cruzar la frontera a la prisión de Cotacs. Robeža sabía que veníamos (Hello. We are going to cross the border and go to Cotacs prison. Robeža knew we were coming) "

he replied.

Bose did not understand what language Babkan was speaking. At Babkan's answer, the man turned to the other man, gestured and walked towards the door. After gesturing to the man, the door opened and they continued.

"Why didn't you speak English in there?"

"Veseris rejected everything to do with the Black Sun after the rebellion. Including English. Spanish used to be as common in America as English. So they prefer to speak Spanish instead of English. "

"This is... That's interesting. So let me ask you. This is Robeža. How do you know him? Who is this guy?"

"Robeža is the head of Veseris. Robeža and I met when I was stationed in Cotacs, I was assigned there by rank, and Robeža was there to learn about intelligence and how Cotacs worked. We didn't have much of a conversation at first. Then I saved his life during an operation and from that day on we became friends and so on. When I left, he was still serving in Cotacs. I don't know why and when, but Cotacs was not the place for him anyway. He's a little bit of a person in terms of his mindset. He's very independent. He's killed a lot of people on his own accord."

"Isn't that kind of thing a problem in Cotacs?"

"Not unless you've killed someone from Cotacs or someone useful to Cotacs. Cotacs don't get too hung up on that sort of thing. Ah... of course they will intervene if you overdo it, but generally no, it's not a problem."

They made their way through the interior of Veseris towards the central prison of Cotacs. Veseris was like a desert. Hot weather, storms. Compared to Pericol City, the settlements consisted of skyscrapers, tents instead of penthouses and small one-story houses. The clothes people wore and the general environment showed that Veseris was made up of the middle-low class. People in torn clothes, beggars and wild animals.

As they approached Cotacs' prison, even the quality of the roads had changed, along with the surroundings. Cotacs' territory was in a manmade place surrounded by water. From the outside, all that could be seen were big, tall walls and guards in watchtowers on top of them. As Babka entered the prison road, the cameras and machine-gun turrets along the road turned towards them. The perimeter along the road made it clear that the prison was a high-security facility.

"If you are not lucky enough to be killed by Cotacs without being tortured, they send you here. Coming here means you will be tortured a lot, you will be experimented on and you are a dog, the property of Cotacs. I brought you here because there's someone I want you to see. A familiar face. The only person who will recognize you because of the modifier on your face. Because he's a little different from other people. Which you'll see when we get inside, he's in a special place. Cotacs doesn't treat him the way he treats others."

When they reached the thick, large iron entrance door, a thick robotic voice came from the panel next to the door.

"State the reason for your arrival and show your card."

Babka approached the car and rolled down the window.

"I'm here to see the Black Mamba," she announced and handed her card to the scanner.The laser from the scanner went up and down a few times and then sounded again.

"Your pass has been approved. Long live the Black Sun."

Slowly they moved forward. It was quite large inside. There were many guards with guns in their hands. Security was high level. They parked the car at the marked place and got out of the car. When they got out of the car, barrier bars appeared on the side of the platform where they parked the car, right-left and front-back. And a card slowly came out from the card section of the panel next to the platform.

They took the card and went inside. There were doors on the right and left. The doors had the prisoner's name and a digital photo of the prisoner on them. They passed through a long corridor and turned to the right. They came to a door where several guards were waiting. In the center of the door was a dial code system that used to be in the safes where the money was kept. Babka showed his card to the guards.

The guards entered the door code and turned the handle to open the door. As they were about to leave, one of the guards put his hand on Babka's shoulder and said in a robotic voice

"He knows a visitor is coming. Watch out."

he said. Babka nodded and they continued on.They came to another door and another door. Whoever the guard was, he was in a cell guarded by more than one door. After passing through the last door, they arrived. A bald man was sitting with his back to them behind the iron bars. He was wearing an orange and black prison costume.

He turned his head slightly to the right and looked at Babka and Bosey.

"You've finally come. It's been a long time since I've seen you."

Bose recognized that voice from somewhere. It sounded very much like....

"Finally... We'll get a chance to talk to you again, huh?"

He slowly turned his feet over and faced her.

"How are you?"

There was a name on the prisoner's name badge.

"Lombard Hackson." 

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