ACT 17

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"Ah, ah, greetings, old friend. Long time no see. Especially after you killed your beloved brother Zena and crashed the simulation..."

Meanwhile, Boze gave Babkaya a look of incomprehension.

"Ah! Didn't he tell you? Hahah... Babka, Babka, not telling you these things can cause problems later, old friend.

"You're a lot of things. Ah... Bose, I'll tell you what happened. But first, let's do what we need to do here."

"Ah! Yes, that's exactly what I was going to ask. What's the reason for seeing you fine people, especially you, Bose, after so long?"

Babka leaned a little closer to Lombard.

"The Black Sun sent men to my house after the last riot, Lombard. The day before someone broke into my house and tried to kill me. Even though I changed my home, my location, my identity... How is that possible? I have a feeling your telekinetic abilities are at work here."

Lombard leaned back and smiled slightly.

"Ah... Babka, we're talking about Black Sun. You do realise that, don't you? Normally, the moment I mentioned Bosenin's name, dozens of soldiers should have come in. And you know he's wanted as a terrorist. But... Fortunately, I'm authorised to have private conversations whenever I want, and we're having them now. If Black Sun wants to find something, he can find it, even if it's late. He's got his hands in everything. So it's not like they need me for this, mate."

"If you didn't help in this situation. Then why are they keeping you alive? Cotacs would never keep something alive if it wasn't useful. It doesn't make sense to me that you're still alive after your simulation failure."

"If I say that, I'll be spoiling a surprise long ago. But there is one thing you must remember, as it is written in the sacred črno sonce: "Everything in life is interconnected. One action triggers another." My making a mistake there, which you define as a mistake. Not me, it opened different doors for me, made me taste different views. I like this interconnectedness of life too much.

BUT! Of course I'm not going to let you leave here without help. If you ask me the questions you're looking for, you know I can't answer them even if I wanted to. But if you go to Terv, maybe he can help you. But you know he used to live on Menesis. He lives on Venerada now. After the rebellion, he preferred to live in a quieter place by the bay.

Vee... if you don't mind before you go, I'd like to have a word with Bose alone. After all, we are acquainted, even if not in real life."

Before Babka could comment, Bose interjected

"Of course! I don't think Babka will have a problem with that. Babka, will you leave us alone for a while?"

Babka went out without saying anything. She went to where the car was and lit a cigarette while waiting for Bose. After waiting for about an hour, Bose came. Even if he wanted to ask him what they were talking about, he gave up because he knew he would not get an answer.

They swiped the card, got into the car and set off for Venera. It was getting dark now. They had to go to Veneraya quickly. It was dangerous to stay outside after dark. If they didn't get there in time they would have to look for a place to stay.


They travelled for about an hour. Bose hadn't spoken since his conversation with Lombard.

"Are you going to tell me why you killed Zena, how you met Lombard? You told me you didn't know much about the simulation."

"Yeah. I did, and I really don't. I still don't know why they rounded up the kids. But I learnt a few things while I was in Cotac. It was too soon for you to know now. So I didn't want to tell you. How much did Lombard tell you?"

"It doesn't matter what Lombard and I talked about. I want to hear it from you."

"Well... I told you I served in the Cotacs army for a while. Lombard was one of the soldiers. We fought together in the rebellion. I met him... I met him and he left me there. "

"With who?"

"Blue light.... Ah... look, this is the last time I'm going to talk about this in detail, but I don't want to talk about it again. It bothers me a lot. It's like it lives inside me and when I pass your name it comes out again. We got information that there was something in a secret centre of Cotacs that made Cotacs so powerful. We fought our way in with Lombard. We ended up in a long corridor. Whatever that thing was, it was behind that door up ahead. If we could get our hands on it, we could debilitate Black Sun. As we walked down the corridor, suddenly that door opened. There was a blinding blue light. Then a voice started spinning in my head. "KILL, KILL, KILL!" Then, as I felt the air getting colder, I saw someone next to me for a moment. Even though I couldn't make out his face, I realised that he was a large man. It was instantaneous when I felt an intense pain in my right arm and fell to the ground.

Lombard was behind me. I called out to him to be careful. Then I fainted due to blood loss. All I heard before I fainted was Lombard's shouting and the sounds of gunfire. When I woke up, I was in the examination room where I treated you. I don't know how I got there, but someone was standing over me.

The one who put the face changer on you when you were unconscious.

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