ACT 14

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If you want to keep it longer, you can go into the prison incident or leave it at this point at the end.

"Hey, hey!"

Babka was shaking him hard when Bose came to.

"Are you all right?"

"Yeah... Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Go on, please."

"What was I saying last time? Oh, yeah, I was putting flowers. Aspho."

"Yeah, yeah, flowers. Let's skip the flowers. I don't like it very much."

"Well? There was an organisation run by Uncle Apestal. At least that's what he said. Which I later found out was just a cover, but anyway, I'll get to that. And after my accident, someone had to pay your hospital fees. And that's where Uncle Apestal came in. He told me that if I worked well, I could get a job here. I did as he said. For a certain period of time, I did errands for the association. Researching some names he gave me, secretly taking photos of some people... I didn't understand this at the time, but I didn't question it too much. Because in return for my work, I was both paying your hospital expenses and earning a certain amount of money. During this period, Dr Riffard took care of you. He was "supposedly" a very close friend of my father and my father said we could trust him. Then I found out he was working with them.


"After the Second World War, some sect-like things wanted to continue their existence. Only two of them succeeded. Vril and Black Sun. The Black Sun I'm talking about here. They are the ones who currently hold the state in their hands. They had great help in winning the war, and the American government gave them great rights. When they realised that these rights were used by the Black Sun to take over the government, it was already too late.

Anyway, I found out later that Dr Riffard was one of them, and Uncle Apestal had made a lot of money with my help. We decided to move to Austria when he realised that this would draw some people's eyes to us. Of course, I couldn't leave you here, but it was very difficult for me to stay on my own and pay your hospital bills. I had in mind to take you with me after I had sorted out my situation. So I decided to move with Uncle Apestal. When I came to visit you on the last day. They told me that you were dead. I had a girlfriend at the time. Elisa. She was the head nurse with Dr Riffard. When I came to visit you that day, she took me to the morgue to see you for the last time, even though it was forbidden. You had needle marks on your neck that normally shouldn't have been there, and this one, if it's still there (Babka is looking behind Bosenin's left shoulder. A faded tattoo in red and yellow colour)."

"I, I didn't get anything like that."

"I know, I know, Bose. When Elisa saw your tattoo, she knew it was their work. We wanted to get out as soon as possible, but of course they wouldn't let us. When we got upstairs, there was Bailes standing at the exit door. One of the Black Sun. After asking us what we were doing, he let us go. Or at least we thought so at that moment. When we got to the car park, they caught us. When I came to, I was by my mum's grave, and that's when I realised that Dr Riffard was one of them. They were talking a bit ahead of us. He was there too, Nāve. It was not the first time I had met him. On the last day, on my way to him, I stopped at the flower shop opposite the cemetery where I always visited. He was there instead of the usual person. Here's another nonsense. When I went to my mother's grave that day, I saw that another grave had been built next to it. I thought of calling Uncle Apestal, but I didn't. I thought I'd talk to him when I got home. When I saw him, I should have realised there was some nonsense. But I didn't...

They killed Elisa. (Babka's throat was in knots). Uncle Apestal came when they were going to kill me too. He saved me. Together we managed to flee the country on a private jet organised by Vril. My identity, my name was changed, I was told to forget you. But of course I didn't and here we are..."


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"Wait a minute, what about Vril and Uncle Apestal?"

"I told you that I learnt that the association was just a cover. I learnt that Apestal and Menos were actually working under Vril. The association was just a cover to stay off Black Sun's radar. After I moved out, I continued to work for Vril. In the meantime, I would have the opportunity to research you and investigate this cult stuff, which I did. I was one of the Cotacs' private soldiers for a while. They're the ones chasing us around this field."

"Well, look, I understand everything, but what about what I saw, what was the life I lived, or at least thought I lived, with all this prime minister rubbish?"

I don't know what Black Sun is up to, or what they're looking for, but I do know that they're putting these kids they're recruiting into some kind of simulation, or at least that's what the Vril files say. You were one of the test subjects, and nothing you saw was real. It was all a set-up, I'm 


"I, I think I'd better get some rest. I'm not feeling well."

Bose leaned his head back against the seat and closed his eyes...

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