ACT 15

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The buildings that pierced the skies were now behind them. They had left Pericol City and approached the borders of Tuksnesis.

Tuksnesis had been disregarded as a result of the Black Sun's takeover of the government. The gangs had taken advantage of the situation and divided Tuksnesis. Black Sun tried to prevent this at first, but it got out of hand. At that time, the Cotacs army was not as strong as it is now. As a last resort, he protected the borders of the Cotacs and left the rest to its own devices. Nowadays, each region had its own laws.

Babka opened the lid of the torpedo and took out a map. The map was divided into 4 regions. Veseris on the left, Cotacs in the center, Menesis on the right and Venera at the bottom.

 Veseris on the left, Cotacs in the center, Menesis on the right and Venera at the bottom

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He looked at the map and examined a few points.

"Pericol City is on the left above Tuksnesis. We can cross the border of Veseris and enter the Prison area of Cotacs. But I must warn you (pointing to his metallic bionic arm). They don't like such technological body parts. After the bionic revolution they rejected the Holy črno sonce

"What, what to reject..."

"And created a religion of their own. They think technology can only be used for weapons. The rest of the things should not be any piece of technology. Usually... They don't react very well when they see it. But here's the thing. My friend Robeža works at the border. So hopefully there will be no problems. But in Tuksnesis things don't work so much like in Pericol. After the revolution, Tuksnesis was divided into regions because of rebellions and gangs. That's why the map is divided into regions like this. So we need to be careful."

"I have something on my mind. You said revolution, the Bionic revolution. What exactly is that?"

"You know, after America won the Cold War in a strangely extremely fast and powerful way, and everybody knows that it was with the support of the Black Sun, but, you know... You can't articulate things. America moved very fast technologically. A few years after the end of the war, with the help of Black Sun, bionic parts could be integrated into the human body. Some people argued that this was dangerous and, in addition, religiously unethical, while others saw it as a step forward for humanity. The Black Sun gained a lot of power after this bionic part business. America had already increased their rights too much after the war, and with the power and rights they gained after the bionic revolution, they overthrew the American government and took over. Then they adopted the Holy črno sonce, which you just asked about, as the new religion. Christians, of course, were against it at first. But some people stepped in, those who spoke too much were silenced and at some point everyone accepted it. Then there was a big revolt. Di Revolūcija. With this revolt, the cities turned into a war zone. But what people didn't know was that there was more than one thing. Do you remember when you came out of the simulation and came here? We were coming out of the field and we collided with a tank-like armored vehicle. They are called "Cisterna". It's a high-tech armored vehicle. At first things were going really well when people started to rebel against this new government, these changes. Or at least that's what they thought. Black Sun had predicted that these changes would cause a rebellion and worked very hard in the background. I don't know how they came up with such an advanced technological product in such a short period of time, but I wish that was all they produced. And then that thing came. Ahh... That thing. That thing is unstoppable, Bose."

"What... what are you talking about?"


"It's a kind of human, but it doesn't behave like a human. It moves extremely fast. Before you know it, you see a glimmer of light in the darkness, you know it's coming towards you because the air near you is getting colder, and then suddenly bam! If you're lucky, you'll escape with a quick and easy death or the loss of a few limbs. But if you live... That's when it slowly skins you and slowly cuts you to death with maximum pain. Whatever it is, I only met it once, in a dark corridor. I was walking down a wide corridor towards the center of the Cotacs, towards the room where the thing that made them so powerful was. Then up ahead, at the end of the corridor, a blue glow appeared and before I knew what was happening, I saw my right arm detached from my body and flying through the air. At least I survived losing only my arm. Although Black Sun could have killed me there if he wanted to, but for some reason he didn't. He didn't want that thing to kill me there."


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"Anyway, afterwards"

"Uh, wait, wait, what don't I understand? If Black Sun is so powerful, why didn't he take over all of Tuksnesis? He let the gangs live on their own."

"Because if he had taken over, there would have been laws. Even though they made the laws themselves, they don't break the rules they made to prevent another rebellion. In Tuksnesis there are no rules. Tuksnesis is a playground where they can do what they want, how they want, Vee... There's a rumor, and I'm sure it's not a rumor, but I've never come across it, and I hope I never will. It's said that sometimes at night there's a blue glow in the city. So we need to get our business done here as soon as possible and get out. And we can't travel at night unless we have to. Let's get this stupid interview over with and see what we can do. We are almost at the border..."

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