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After advancing a bit, he parked the car near the cemetery and walked towards it. The cemetery had a wide entrance; it was wide enough for a car to enter if someone wished. His mother's grave was towards the end of the cemetery, so he had to walk for a while after entering.

He arrived at his mother's grave and placed the flowers beside it. The place where her name was written ("Deusa Silveira") had become quite weathered.

After leaving the flowers and recounting recent events to himself, Escola prepared to leave when something caught his attention. There was a strange situation. Besides his mother's grave, there was another gravestone that wouldn't normally be in family cemeteries. When he bent down to look, he saw that there was no name written on it, but the date of death indicated today's date. Normally, in such situations, a family member would be contacted. Since they couldn't reach Bose, they should have contacted him. Let's say they called Uncle Apestal or Aunt Menos. They would surely have told him about this.

Today, a series of strange events was unfolding. When he returned home, he decided to discuss this situation with Uncle Apestal.

He headed towards the exit and drove towards the hospital...

Upon arriving at the hospital, he parked the car in the garage and got out. There was a black van parked on the other side of his car. In front of the van stood two men in suits (Escola thought they were).

As he entered the hospital, he encountered a similar situation to the one in the parking lot. Inside, on the left side at the entrance, men dressed similarly were seated. Escola didn't pay much attention, assuming it was for someone important who was expected.

 Escola didn't pay much attention, assuming it was for someone important who was expected

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He approached Elisa, who worked at the reception. Rosa was a slender girl with black curly hair. Although she normally worked here as a nurse, due to the increasing demand for medical personnel in hospitals, nurses and doctors alike could be utilized for such tasks. Escola and his family had known Rosa since they were brought to the hospital after the accident. She had been taking care of Bose under Dr. Riffard's supervision during the coma. Over time, they had grown closer and had even tried to start a relationship. In fact, things had been going quite well between them. However, they had argued due to the sudden decision to relocate. Despite Elisa always wanting what was best for Escola, he didn't want to be apart. He provided support to her in her times of trouble. Escola kept saying that he would fix the situation and take Elisa with him along with Bose.

He greeted her. Elisa hesitated for a moment when she saw Escola's face. Her eyes were reddened, and she had dark circles under her eyes. She began to speak with a trembling voice. Occasionally, her eyes shifted towards the men in suits seated on the left side at the entrance.

"Escola, I'm sorry, we tried everything but we lost Bose today. If you want to see him one last time, the morgue is downstairs."

Escola paused momentarily in shock. He had lost his brother, the only person he had left, just a week after being told that he was improving.

"But, but Dr. Riffard said he was getting better. Where is he? I need to talk to him."

"Dr. Riffard abruptly resigned from his job at the hospital after this incident. He had plans to go to Russia. But I don't know what he's doing now. If you want, let's walk down to the morgue one last time, Escola," she finished her sentence and stood up, beginning to walk towards the morgue with Escola.

After glancing back one last time and checking discreetly, Elisa began to whisper quietly.

"Escola, keep walking without looking back. There are a lot of strange things happening today. When I checked on Bose in the morning, he was doing fine. Then, the men in suits you saw at the hospital entrance started showing up. First a few, then a dozen. They started taking over. They forced me out of the room and said, 'We're taking over here. Carry on with your routine tasks.' A few hours later, Dr. Riffard came. He mentioned that Bose's condition had worsened and that we lost him, and then he said he wouldn't be here anymore and resigned."

Escola continued walking towards the morgue, trying to comprehend and process the events.

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