ACT 13

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"Well, first of all, I need to know what you remember. I mean, about the past, about our family."

"Me and my family were in a car accident. My brother was in a coma. There was a period when I was homeless. Then I met the presidential candidate by chance in the presidential elections.

"By chance, haha, exactly. Anyway, go on."

"He hired me as an engineer in the production of a door-type part, I don't know for what purpose. Even though there were rumours that he was not a very nice person, that he silenced some people for some reasons, I needed money at that time and I started working. And then things happened. My girlfriend was killed and here I am..."

"Oh... yes about that."

"What's that about!? Do you know anything about it?"

"We're gonna take it one step at a time. And I want you to promise me you'll stay calm. Things can be hard to digest sometimes. You can ask any question you want. I'll tell you everything I know. Let's start backwards first. And there are things that haven't been conveyed to you very accurately. Let me tell you about them.

Your father and mother are doctors. They decided to move to America to save their lives as a result of the Second World War in Germany, which was not doing very well. But then there's a rumour of a war called the Cold War. Classic Russians, they can't sit still.

One day someone knocks on your door. We don't realise who they are at the time."

"We don't realise?"

"Wait, don't interrupt me. I'll tell you all about it.

They're having a few words with your father. Your father doesn't understand what's going on, so he invites them round for dinner. Which was a big mistake, no one in the family could understand at the time. A few days later they come to us for dinner. We're at the table.""Us, us, can't be you."

"Hey! You promised me you'd stay calm. I keep talking. You stay calm.

These Cold War rumours were getting stronger at that time, when these men came to us. They say that they have a project to make sure that America will always be superior in this war and in the times to come. And they want to make you a part of this project. In fact, not only you, they say that they are travelling around in general and that they are collecting some "special" children."

"Me, what's special about me? I mean, what makes me "special"?"

"So we can't understand that then. My dad gets angry after the last sentence and starts arguing. He sends us... and you upstairs. After that, we can't get an answer to your question. After arguing with the men, your father firmly rejects their offer and sends them away. Of course, it doesn't stop there. Mum and Dad argue all that night, trying to find a solution. And when we wake up the next day, he's not there. When you ask your mum about it, she tells you that he went to Germany for a business trip and we are going to stay with him for a while. Which is one of my mum's classic lies.Although how much we would understand if he told the truth at that time is another question.

Anyway, my father didn't communicate with us for about 8 years. Meanwhile you grow up, of course. At the end of 8 years, a letter comes from the man called my father. I couldn't write that he was in good condition, I was busy, blah blah blah. And then he calls us to him. I mean, we are so stupid that we go to the man who has not sent us anything for 8 years, who does not question whether we are dead. Here we collect all our belongings. And we set off by car at night. But of course we can't go. They don't let us go. We were hit by a lorry coming from nowhere and our car skidded.

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Although... when you look at it, it's better for us if they don't let us. Except we lost Mum. And then you, your brother goes into a coma. So far, everything's been true. Except for one point, which you've been rightly asking about. Huh! This is the hardest part for me to explain to you. Bose, it's not your brother who's in a coma, it's you. I'm Escola. Of course, I have a different name now. I mean, it had to be. A couple of unfortunate incidents. Look, after that, I was always..."

"Stop, no, no, I mean, stop, please. This is too much. What do you mean? I don't understand. You're Zenayi..."

"I need to tell you a few more things to understand. And then I promise I'll answer any extra questions you have. Can I go on?"

"Oh, fuck it anyway. Ohh.. hell. Please go on."

"My mum died in an accident and you're in a coma. It was no longer safe to stay in America so I went to Germany to stay with Uncle Apestal and Aunt Menos, who we considered family friends. We buried Mum in the family cemetery in Germany and you were staying in a hospital there. You were in a coma for a long time. I came to visit you many times during that time, and every time I brought some of Mum's favourite flowers, Asphodelus (smiling with a slight smile on his face)."








"My dear son, they are trying to confuse you on this path. Don't forget your MAIN PURPOSE! . ALL THE ARTEFACTS OF  ŠAMAŠ MUST BE DESTROYED! ŠAMAŠ IS YOUR ABSOLUTE ENEMY! 

Mummy always here and will love you forever

mummy is always here and will love you forever... 


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