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Bose opened his eyes. The effects of the blows to his abdomen were still painful. He could hardly stand up in pain. When he looked at his watch, he saw that it was already 8.35. He was going to be late for work anyway, but he thought that he would be 5 minutes late at most. But of course, as always, things did not go as he expected. He started to take running steps towards his workplace in thoughts.

Although his workplace was in Modesto, he lived in Fremont. In fact, it was normal for him to be late. Although he usually left home early in order not to be late, today he slept a little because he was a little hungover and he was not on his day much, he guessed? Although the 3 years after he found a job were good, the last 1 year was not going well at all. There were too many things to pay, car debt, house debt. However, if he worked like a slave, he could both pay his loan debts and put some money aside. He was able to save a certain amount in the last 3 years. However, he was not sure if it was enough for the rest of his life. In recent years, the increase that was rumoured to come to his salary had not come in any way. Although his situation was not extremely bad in monetary terms, he thought he deserved more than the money he received despite slave labour. As a result, it seemed that an economic collapse had recently begun in America. 

Although the state officials said that this was temporary, people related to the economy stated that the situation would get worse. While a certain part of the people defended the state, a large part of the people were aware of what the people who ruled the state were. While the people at the head of the state were living a very glamorous life, the people were complaining about rising prices and hunger. People who committed suicide because they could not feed their families or because they were not happy used to be shown in newspapers or on television, but after the rumours that Steve Hackson had taken over many television and newspaper channels, such events were not published. When he thought about these events and these people, he felt himself as a lucky person, even though he worked like a slave, did not have the profession he wanted and did not get the money he deserved.

It was about 8.45 when he saw the building where he worked. He hurried through the door. When Zena saw Bose, she stood up and said to him, "Mr Hackson is waiting for you in his office." Zena was a blonde woman with piercings and rings, tattoos, and round thick glasses. When Bose started at Bose, Zena learnt that he had started at the same company as an engineer-secretary. Although they had met in a silly way, they were on good terms. Although they usually liked to eat together and spend time together after work, they had not been meeting lately because Bose's psychological problems related to loneliness and unhappiness that had haunted him since the past began to resurface. Zena insisted that he go to a psychologist and even paid for the appointment from her hard-earned savings. However, Bose was never biased towards going to a psychologist. He was trying to solve his problems by consuming too much cigarettes and alcohol due to habits from the past. However, this did not solve the problems but made them worse. This situation had led to a serious opening between them, especially recently.

Zenaya nodded and headed towards the boss's room. His name was written in gold letters on the door. "Lombard Hackson - Politician, Businessman, Economist". 

"Classic egotistical political arseholes," he thought to himself. When he opened the door and entered the room, Hackson was not in the room. He started to wait. While waiting, he decided to walk around the room. As he walked around the room, he saw that Hackson's personal computer was on. Normally, he never left it on and especially warned people not to touch his computer. Why had he left it on. Had he forgotten? Why was he so serious about his computer not being touched? As these questions swirled around in his head, Bose began to browse the computer. He started going through the foladers one by one and went to the "contacts" folder on the desktop. Inside the contacts folder was a strange file called "Cotacs". When he tried to enter the folder, the password screen came up. Although he tried several passwords, none of them were correct. The last time he tried to type his own name, the password was accepted. What was that about? Okay, he was not on bad terms with Hackson, but it did not make sense that his name was the password. When he opened the folder, he was shocked by what he saw. He quickly withdrew his hands. His hands were shaking...

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