In Play.

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Walker slowly crept in the room as his heartbeat began to elevate tremendously. He felt his breath rising and sweat flowing.

"Now, just so you know, she has a sprained shoulder, intestinal damage to her stomach, a small bruise on her face, as well as a lip burst. Thankfully, the face damage isn't too severe, so that'll go away soon. But, I don't expect the pain from her shoulder to dilate, but the pain will still kind of... Settle there for a little while. But, the good news is, she will be just fine." The nurse said quietly.

They all nodded in understanding. Everyone's heart raced, but Walker was the most worried.

He saw her. Laying in a bed, with a cast on her shoulder. His heart crushed as he walked closer to her. A few tears escaped his eyes as his face turned red. He slowly and gently sat down, beside her.

Leah felt the small drop from Walker's weight on her bed, causing her to open her eyes. Walker gulped, trying to stop his tears and prevent a voice crack. "Hey." He whispered. Leah kept her eyes squinted at him, not saying anything. "Can we close the blinds?" Walker asked the nurse. "Sure, Mr. Scobell." He said as he walked over to the blinds to close them.

Leah soon adjusted to the semi-darkness. She just looked at him and smiled softly. Walker mused that she didn't hear him. "Hi." He said again, softly. "Hey." She said, almost inaudible. Walkers' heart sank, hearing her weak voice.

"How do you feel?" He asked as he gently placed his hand on her head.
"Good. Just tired." She whispered.
Walker just nodded as a tear fell from his eye.
"If you... Want to tell me more, just remember I'm here." He said quietly.
Leah smiled and nodded.
"Are you good?" She asked him softly.
There was a short moment of silence in somber.
"Yeah." He whispered sadly.

He opened his mouth to speak, with no words being spoken or heard. He just sighed, filled with melancholy. He looked up at the others and back at Leah with blurry eyes. It was hard for him to even look at her, because each time he did, he felt threatened to cry.

He looked up, hoping to take his tears away. "I love you." He said as he blinked continuously. " I love you too, Walkie." She said softly. Walker smiled and slowly got up.

He stood beside his dad, filled with pain. As he saw everyone hugging and greeting her, his face grew more red, as he began to cry. He couldn't help himself. "Excuse me." He said with a trembling tone. He went out, by the door and cried softly as he leaned on the wall and put his head down.

Dior finished talking with Leah, walked out, and put her hand on Walker's back. At first it startled him but, he realized it was hers. He quickly wiped his eyes and sighed.

"None of this is your fault, Walker." She said softly. "Yeah." He whispered. Dior rubbed her hand on his back. "Leah wants you." She said as she pat his back, and left. Walker just stayed there for moment. He soon got up and walked back in the room.

Leah was sitting up, holding her arms out to Walker. He smiled and hugged her. The hug tightens as it lasted longer. "Ow, Walker babe, not too tight, Papito." She said quietly with a soft chuckle. "Sorry." He said with a smile as lightened the hug.

After a good moment, he slowly let go her back, and just held her hands. Leah smiled and wipes his tear with her thumb. She pushed a strand of hair behind his ear, and left her hand on his shoulder. He smiled and kissed her cheek and backed up.

Charlie wrapped his arm around Walker's shoulder. Walker kept his eyes on her as she smiled at everyone.

(Time Skip: Questioning)

Joy Here
Sorry, but just know that I have literally no idea how jail works so just bear with me please.

Police: So, Leah Jeffries is in the hospital.
Megan: Is she okay?
Police: *scoffs* Megan. Don't f around. What did you do?
Megan: I didn't do anything.
Police: Did you hurt Leah Jeffries?
Megan: I-I n-no. Ugh. Look, she hurt me. So did her stupid boyfriend.

Police: So, why are you not in the hospital.
Megan: Look I-d-... I don't know... What happened.
Police: Megan, I'm giving you a chance.
Megan: *licks lips nervously* I-Noth-I didn't do anything.

Policd: Megan, why did you hurt her?
Megan; Who?
Police: *gets annoyed* Leah Sava Jeffries.
Megan: *looks around, avoiding the question* Why do you think that was me?
Police: Where were you when Leah got hurt?
Megan: I was in my room.
Police: Where were you when the ambulance came?
Megan: I was in my room the whole time, I swear.

Police: Okay, what happened to Dior.
Megan: I don't know!
Police: What floor were you on.
Megan: Three.
Police: *sighs* You know they have cameras?

Megan's heartbeat sped up as fear crept through her body. The police got an iPad from beside him and played a video. It was Leah walking into her room and Megan going begin her and punching the back of her head.

There was nothing showing so, the police skipped a bit of the video. It showed her kicking Dior's back, causing the girls to fall, and sprain Leah's shoulder. He swiped to another video showing Charlie talking with Walker from her room.

"So, what now?" The police said. Megan's face turned red as her heartbeat sped up. "How old are you, Megan?" He asked. There was a moment of silence. "How old are you, Megan?" He asked, slightly raising his voice.

"17." She whispered. "You are seventeen year old, putting a fourteen year old in the hospital. What's your reason?" He asked. She didn't respond and just looked to the side. "Jealousy. Isn't it?" He said as he sat back. She still didn't respond and just sighed.

"Well. I think you know you'll be going to jail. And if all goes well... You'll be going to prison." He said with a smile. Megan just looked around. "And yes, your parents are being updated right now, Ms. Darling." He said with a smile. He tapped his finger on the desk and left.

(Back at the hospital)
Leah just sat up in her bed, her mom, Walker's dad, Dior, Charlie, and Walker all in the room with her. They'd been waiting to hear more news from the hospital.

A little while later the nurse came in. "Hello, guys. My name is Cody. I hope you are all doing well. Um... We'll, hopefully you'll uh, stay well." He said hesitantly. Everyone tensed up. "So... Leah is really close to needed surgery. I just found out that the weight of Dior might've been too much. Dior, it wasn't your fault at all. Running with a cast isn't always the best idea but, you definitely got her here. So, either we can do the surgery to prevent any more injuries, or she'll have to rest for a week or two." The nurse said.

They all looked around and Mrs. Jeffries looked at Leah. "What do you want sweet peas?" She asked her softly. "Well, I think I'm fine. I just hugged Walker. I mean, I was able to put my hand on his waist right?" She said softly. "Okay. Well, just lay low for a little while, okay?" He asked with a smile.

Leah nodded, as well as everyone else. "Okay. Well, we'll release you soon." He said with a smile. "Cool." Leah responded with a smile. Everyone sighed with relief at the same time. They all laughed and nodded.

"See you guys." He said as he walked out. "You too." They said. "Oh, Leah... I may be thirty, but I'm still a Leah defender." He said with a wink. Leah grinned and chuckled. The nurse looked at everyone else. "Y'all too." He said as he left. They all smiled. "Check another nice Caucasian guy off the list." Dior said. Everyone laughed.

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