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This is about Leah doing a lot of stunts today and messes up on one. Walker runs to the rescue... Sort of. Enjoy!

*Walker's POV*
I'm feeling pretty good this morning. The clouds are white and I slept with Leah. Surprisingly, I woke up first. Probably because I have to use the bathroom. "Hello, Ms. Leah." I said slowly and softly rubbing my hand on her back. She turned around and smiled. "Hi, Mr. Walker." She said with her angelic morning voice. She laid back down and got up after about five minutes. When she got up, I gave her a gentle morning hug and she left.

I met her in the hall and took her hand, and went down the elevator. Leah hates elevators and I wanted to jump so bad. "Walker, please do not even think about it." She said as she backed up to the wall. "How'd you know I was thinking about-I mean... *Gasp* I would never do such a thing!" I said dramatically. "Whatever, seaweed brain." She said rolling her eyes with a chuckle. I really wanted to do it. But sadly, someone joined us on the elevator so, I couldn't. You got a free pass this time Leah.

(Just FYI I hate elevators too so, I get you Leah.😖)

We got cereal for breakfast and my mom drove us to the set. When we got there, we had our makeup and stuff like that done. Aryan had on that wedding dress. Me and Leah laughed forever! "Why do have that on again?!" I asked while still laughing. "I'm doing a retake, okay? Jeez." He said while trying to hid his smile. Leah stopped laughing and just chuckled. She put her hand on his shoulder and laughed again and made Aryan laugh. She just spreads vibes like that. We were all laughing for about two minutes and then, we continued our day.

*Leah's POV*
Aryan had on that wedding dress again and I could not help myself! He looked to funny! And the sad part is... The dress looks great on him! I couldn't help myself. Neither could Walker. The first time it was on him, we laughed our BUTTS off! After a while, I went behind the set to see Walker do a bit of cool stunts. We both kind of have to do the same stunts but, they don't have enough equipment to do both of us at the same time. Right now, Walker is wires, on top of a blue mat that's being held up by a silver pole. It's kind of like a simulator. The idea is for them to make it look like he's on a monster that's flying. He was struggling to hold on. He also had a light drizzle on. When they said 'cut!', he slid off the block and chuckled. "That was crazy!" He said breathless. I started laughing. "Oh you're next, Bee!" He said getting up to come sit beside me. I heard someone say "Aww. Bee? That's so cute." I didn't know who it was though. I didn't really mind people hearing my nicknames that Walker gave me but, I do mind when they call me a nickname Walker gave me. When he came over, he plopped down and exhaled. "Is it that bad?" I asked trying to hold back my laughter. "When you use your upper body strength, yes. It is." He said catching his breath.

I went up and they started the simulator. It was worse for me because it was raining. Hard. The idea was that, Annabeth is in a different location than Percy. That's why it's raining. I was struggling to stay on. My feet kept slipping so, I'd lost my balance. I had to do this about ten times. It was pretty hard. When I was done, I slid off and just laid on the floor... Wet. I got up and the director gave me a high five "Great job, Leah." I caught my breath. "Thanks." I said as I went to sit beside Walker. "Told you it was hard." He said with a smile. I pushed his head and said "Whatever." He chuckled and put his hand on my head.

After a while, we did some more stunts. We had to go to a different location to film another scene. I have to slide across the floor with wires pulling me back. This is going to be... interesting. I also have to position my body to where it's arched. So, my legs and hands have to be in front of each other. Almost like a forward bend. They put the wires on my pants and went to lay down. They had to fix my posture a bit so, I'd get the feel of what I'm doing. They would send the wire shooting me back, and I would hit a blue mat. I had to make sure my arm slammed into it because, in the film, it's going to look like I break a wall. I practiced a few times and when I did the real thing, they sprung me back way faster. It scared me the first time. But, I got used to it. After doing it a few times, I did it again and my arm hit the metal part, where the mat was supposed to be and I quickly brung my arm back because it hurt like hell!

*Walker's POV*
Leah is doing amazing sliding across the floor. Although she's also making my snicker. She slid across the floor like, a gazillion times. Then, when she did it again, instead on hitting the mat, it slid back making her arm slam on the metal. She quickly put her arm back. "Shhhit!" She said rolling up her body. "Leah!" I ran over to her and so did some other people. "Dang iit!" She kept groaning and whimpering and she started to cry. "Leah? Leah, talk to me. What hurts, your arm?" I asked her trying to calm her down. The team was already sending the medic. She just kept groaning and she started taping her heel on the floor. She tried to get up and fell down and shouted "SHIT!". Leah only cussed LIKE THAT when she's REALLY hurt. "Leah, listen sweetie, we need to know what hurts so, we can get you better." The director told her.

She just kept groaning and tapping her foot, trying to shake off the pain. Her head covered and she was curled in a tight ball. She kept groaning and rolled over and I saw that she was holding her arm. "Her arm! Leah, does your arm hurt?" I asked her quickly. "M-my... shhhit! My elbow and m-my sh-shoulder." She said as tears ran down. I was so scared. She kept groaning and shouted when she tried to turn over. "Leah! Leah, hey. It's okay. It's okay! You don't have to go anywhere. Just stay. Stay there. We're going to help you. You don't have to do it on your own." I tried to calm her down but she just kept fighting. "Leah. Stop fighting it." I said gently placing my hand on her other shoulder. She stopped groaning and whimpering, and sobbed quietly. She was in pain. I knew it.

After about two minutes, the medic came. The lifted Leah up by her right arm that wasn't hurt. "Hey Leah. My name is Mark. I'm just going to see what's going on, okay?" He said rubbing her back. She just kept her head down and nodded. "Alright, let's see. Can you move this hand for me?" He asked her softly and lightly tapping her right hand. She slowly moved it. Her arm was still bent upwards. "Tell me when it hurts, okay?" He said softly. He slowly moved her arm down and about halfway she groaned. "It's that where it hurts?" He said bringing her arm back up. "Yes." She whispered. I sat beside her and held her hand. "Ok, what's your name, little one?" He asked while examining her arm. "Leah." She whispered. "Leah. Oh okay... Oh yeah! I remember now. You're the great Annabeth Chase!" He said sounding just like Chiron. Leah chuckled a bit. That made me so happy.

After Mark examined her arm for a bit he back up. "Okay, Leah. So, what we're looking at here... Is a misplaced tiny bone. It's not too bad but, it will hurt to relocate it." He said taking his hand off of her arm. He turned to the crew. "So, we either get her to the hospital, giver her some anesthesia... Or we can do it here and now. The pain rate is pretty high though." He said quietly. "Can we do it now?" Leah asked slowly putting her head up. Her face has dried tears and was a bit red. "Well, Leah. Mmm. How did it feel when you first hit your arm?" He asked looking back at her. "Like, I... Broke it?" She said hesitantly. "Right. That's how it's gonna feel, if we do it now. Do you want that?" He asked her softly. She looked down again and looked at me and held my hand tighter. She looked back at Mark. "I think I can take it." She said while nodding her head. "Okay. Your shoulder is fine but, when I move it back in place, the pain will last for a few seconds and fade away." He said placing his hands on her elbow.

"Okay. On 3. You ready?" He asked and Leah nodded. "Okay. 3... 2.. oh wait I did that wrong, sorry." He said shaking his head. He made Leah chuckle again. I like Mark. "Okay, 1... 2... 3, deep breath." He said quickly. Leah breathed in and he pushed her elbow. "Oooh." Leah said quietly as she threw her head back and squeezed my hand. I think all of my knuckles just cracked. She opened her eyes and closed them again, wrinkling up her face. "Just a few more seconds Leah." Mark said softly. She didn't let go of my hand. After a few seconds, she slowly loosened the grip. She slowly opened her eyes and put her head back up again. "Alright, let's see if we're feeling good now." He said slow moving her arm up and down. At first, her face was still wrinkled but, she sighed and smiled, closing her eyes. "Does that feel good?" Mark asked with a smile. "Yeah. It does." She said with a relaxed tone. Mark smiled more and rubbed her back. "Thank you so much, Mr. Mark" she said placing her hand on his shoulder. "My pleasure, Leah. Have a good day, and don't move around too much." He said softly. "Yes sir." She said with a smile. Mark got up and left with his team.

She laid her head on my shoulder and sighed. "You all good?" The director asmr her softly. "Yes. Thank you. Everyone." She said as she wrapped her arms around me. I grabbed her arms and smiled. "Alright. We'll give you some space." The director said as he went away with the others. I was about to leave. "Uh-uh. Were you think ya goin'? You're staying here." She said as she pulled me back. I chuckled and laid back. She put her head under my arm and put her hand on my chest. We just laid there for a bit. I felt myself going to sleep so, I looked at Leah and saw that she is sleep. I chuckled and picked her up. "I'm going to ask Charlie to take her to the hotel." I whispered to Rick. "Alright, be safe." He whispered back and winked. I nodded and we went back to the hotel.

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