The Fun! The Fun? P3

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*Walker's POV*
Okay. First off... This is great! I get to spend time with Leah for a whole week! That's awesome! But there's one problem. Megan. Megan freaking Darling. Her middle name is Fiona but Freaking sounds better. I hate her. 10 reasons why I hate her: 1. She's mean. 2. She's mean. 3. She's mean. 4. She's mean. 5. She's mean. 6. She's mean. 7. Shes mean. 8. Shes mean. 9. Shes mean. And 10. She hates me and my girlfriend.

I don't understand her reason for living. Maybe for a punching bag? Or maybe just to test me. IDK, IDC, IDGAF but, all I know is that she's the worst person in the world. Okay.... Well it's between: Jeff, Gabe, Usher and Megan... Those people. Uugggghhh! Chills of anger just rushed through my body. Uuuuggghh!! I did it again.

Although I wish she wasn't, Leah's right. I need to let things go. I guess I just really wished they'd all just STOP.

+Joy Here
I really do wish they'd all stop. 😒
Sorry. Not sorry.😏
Back to the read...

As I packed up all of my stuff, Leah called. It showed 'Ms. LoveLee 🥰👑✨🩷😘'. I'm not one that's big on emojis but, it's only right for her. Of course I answered.

"Hey, Leah."
"Hey, babe. Can you please tell me that you have my heart pillow you gave me?" She whined.
"Umm. Yeah, I got it." I said as I picked it up and hugged it as I put it to my nose and smelled the scent of my Leah. She's had it for almost a year.
"Okay, why do you have it?"
"Uhmm. I dunno, I just... Happened to pick it up when I left." I said hesitantly.
"Walker Scobell. You betta bring it back."
"I will, mama. I promise." I said softly.
"Mkay." She said with that 'I sorta believe you' tone.
"Alright. I'll see you later, baby girl."
"Yes you will!" She said happily as she hung up.

*Leah's POV*
I'm so excited to go to the hotel! I know Walk is too but, he's just so focused on Megan. I'm sure he came up with 10 reasons he hates her. All 9 of them being: She's mean, and one being: She hates us. I'm completely erasing Megan out of the picture because it's our week. And it's gonna be great. I know it.

(Time Skip)
A few minutes later, I couldn't find my sunshine pillow from Walker. So, I called him again. I was going to text him but, calling was just necessary considering we're packing. It showed 'Walle 😎🍪💙🔱🌊✨😘'. He answered in less than two seconds.

"Hey, Lee Bee."
"Hey, Belly. Do you have my sunshine pillow?"
"I might." He said hesitantly.
"Walker, when did you even take theese?"
"Last week." He said admittedly.
"Really? Oh my god. You are so terrible." I said with a grin and a chuckle.
"I know." He laughed.
"Just... Bring it back." I said raising my eyebrows.
"I will. Love ya."
"Love you till the end, Walk." I said as I was about to hang up.
"I love you forever and always I'll never chose another girl you're the best thing I've ever had I love you so much bye." He rushed as my finger barely touched the hand up button.
"Love you too." I chuckled as I officially hung up.

(Time Skip)
After I finished packing, my mom and dad came back with Walker. "So, we brought him here to let you know that we were planning, it's not official, but planning on going with Pete. Are you okay with that?" My mom asked me.

"Oh, yeah! Wait, we're leaving today?" I asked as I relaxed they bought Walker here so, we could say our goodbyes. "Yes." My mom and dad said hesitantly.

"Oh. Oh okay. I... I mean-I'm-I-I'm fine with that. I'm fine-it's cool. Yeah. We-We're good." I said as I stumbled over my words and nodded. I guess I just wanted to spend more time with my parent before I left. It is a little ways far. "You sure, hon?" My mom asked as she put her hand on my shoulder. "Yeah!" I said with a smile as I nodded again. I quickly looked at Walker, with his concerned expression and quickly looked away, so I wouldn't fall in his trap. The 'just tell them the truth' trap.

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