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This is Walker pulling a "prank", but Leah, had something for him! I REALLY love this one!! Enjoy!

*Walker's POV*
The set designers had a set they wanted to build, so, we got a week off. I went to stay at Leah's house. The second day of being there, her parents left for a night to themselves, so, that left me and Leah with a night to ourselves too. I wanted to pull a prank on her. I'm going to record for keep sake. I put a toy mouse in the cabinet, so, when Leah opens it, it's going to fall out. It's going to go great! I have a plan.

Me and Leah were in the guest room playing games. It got a bit late, and I was getting bored, I'm sure she was too. "Hey, you want to watch something?" I asked while cleaning up the UNO cards. "Sure! Do you want anything?" She said as she walked out of the room. "Can I get a drink and a snack?" I was cleaning up all of the games. "Yeah." She said as she walked off. "Hey, Leah?" She turned around. "I love you." She said as she smiled and walked away. She always knows what I'm going to say. I got caught up in Leah again. How amazing she is, how wonderful she is, how kind she is, how beautiful she is, how much she loves me... Then I remembered what I was going to do. I quickly turned on the bathroom light and closed the door, loud enough for Leah to hear so she thought I went in there. I got my phone, started recording, and quietly followed her. I was peeking around the corner of the stairs to watch her reaction. When she opened the cabinet the mouse fell out just like I planned. "OH SHI-OOT!" Leah yelled as she jumped back. She cautiously looked closer and realized that it was fake.

She quickly turned around and yelled my name. "Walker!!!!! You, son of a beach!" She came running upstairs. I quickly ran in her room. "I think she saw me." I said out of breath. I put my phone down on her dresser, and stood by the door to hear if she was coming. I heard her going back downstairs. "I think she's going." I said slowly moving closer to the door to open it. "Yeah, she's gone. I just need to find a way to get back the bathroom... quietly." I said slowly opening the door.

As soon as opened the door, Leah came charging out. She pushed me with her arms around my waist, my head over her shoulders and her head under my arm. I was soon flying in the air and landed on her bed. "Oh God!" I yelled as I'm still flying in the air. She fell on me with her legs outside of mine and started slapping me like crazy! I laughed to hard! Her slaps didn't hurt, I just really did not expect her to be there! When she was done, she rolled over and we were both laughing so hard! "You're like a freaking tiger!!" I said out of breath from laughing so hard. Leah laughed so hard she rolled off the bed! I laughed so hard! I climbed to the edge and laughed at her forever! "Are you okay?!" I said while still cracking up. She couldn't talk because she was laughing so hard! She settled down "Yeah. Are you-" She started laughing again. I was laughing so hard I rolled off the bed right in on top of her. "Ooh!" She said as I fell on her. "Sorry! Are you-" I couldn't help but laughing! She started laughing so hard she was crying! We were laughing for what felt like forever! When we were done, Leah helped me up back to the bed and we both fell back and laughed again! We couldn't stop. It was so bad that we were holding out stomachs trying to catch a breath. My feet were kicking around I was laughing so hard.

*Leah's POV*
Walker pulled a 'prank' on me. He thought I wouldn't have caught him, so, I purposely went downstairs and quickly snuck back up. As soon as he opened the door, I pounced on him and started slapping him like crazy! We were both laughing the whole time! We rolled of bed because of how hard we were laughing! Me and Walker were kicking our feet around and holding our stomachs with our eyes squeezed tight! When we settled down, we got up and looked at each other and realized we were crying from laughing so hard. We smiled at each other and fell back laughed again!

Soon, we got back to the guest room. This time when we got up we just giggled the whole time. When we finally found the movie and we were both making a 'O' shape with our mouth because our cheeks were hurting like crazy. We looked at each other with the 'O' face started chuckling. "That was a good one!" Walker said wiping his tears. "It was! You actually sacred me so, good job on that." I said with a chuckle. Walker got up and remembered he recording everything. When he came back we fell asleep watching 'Transformers Rise of the Beast' again. It was a great night!

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