I'll Hold You. P1

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This is about Walker getting into a fight and Leah had to break it up. Enjoy? (Find out what happens next on P2)

*Leah's POV*
It was a rainy morning. Me and Walker got up a bit early to practice for a fight scene we had to do. Our swords were swinging fast. Walker is slowly but surely pushing me back.

When he swung again, I duck and turned around, grabbed his waist, and swung him onto the floor. He grunted and smiled. "Dang it." He said with a little chuckle.

I grabbed his back and held his arm and pulled him up. "You good?" I had to make sure I didn't hurt him. "Yeah. I'm great. I just can't win, can I?" He said with his hand on my shoulder. I chucked and left to get us some waters.

When I came back, a guy from the cast was trying to fight Walker. "OW!" Walker fell down when he got punched in the face and the stomach. "HEY!" I yelled as I ran over and grabbed the guys arm.

"What are you doing?!" I said gripping his arm. He tried to throw a punch but I blocked it. I held his other arm and he bumped his head into mine. "Ow!"

I let him go and he went for Walker again. He bent down to grab Walker when I clinched his shoulders and kicked the back of his knee. He grunted and fell. I turned around and pushed him out of the way. I picked up Walker's chin to look at his face.

He had a bruise on his cheek. Then, I grabbed his underarms and pulled him up, and wrapped his arm around my neck, holding his hand and his waist.

Uncle Rick came in and the kid ran away. "What happened?" He said walking over to me and Walker. "I don't know, Mr. Rick. I'll be back. Thank you." I said as I walked out with Walker's arm over my shoulder, holding his hand and waist.

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