The Truth.

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Thank you to the amazing @4madsxx for this request!!! This is about Leah letting lies get into her head but, Walker lets her know the truth.

*Walker's POV*
This morning is so peaceful. It's drizzling and I had a great sleep with Leah. When I woke up, she planted a soft kiss on my forehead that made me feel warm inside.

Me and Leah are going to set at around 10:00 today so we can have a little morning meal. I'm waiting for my beautiful girlfriend in the lobby right now.

There... She... Is. Walking up to me with a smile and a very nice yellow blazer. I don't even know how in the heck she looks so pretty but, she really is. It seems as if she's walking in slow motion. Her locks and swaying with the beat of her feet. She's so graceful.

"Hey, Walkie!" She said as she was about to hug me. "Woah. Let me take in the beauty for a second." I said as I stopped her hug. She chuckled and turned around. "Okay. That's better." I said as I  gave her a soft hug.

She kissed me slowly and gently and I felt so loved. When we're together, I don't really care about anything. She's just so amazing like that. Yes, sometimes she's VERY annoying but, that's what makes me love her more.

*Leah's POV* (Time Skip)
Me, Walker, Dior, and Charlie are at a restaurant for breakfast. Of course we had a lot of people wanting pictures and stuff but, when we eat, we eat. Don't expect me to stop eating for a picture.

I had to go to the bathroom afterwards and it was only me and one person. I wanted to wait because it's weird using the bathroom when someone else is in there. I just acted like I was fixing my makeup and stuff.

"You know, you're pretty." A Caucasian girl told me. "Thank you! You are too." I said as I looked at her. "But also, Walker doesn't really like you." She said struggling her shoulders. I just chuckled softly and turned around.

"Yeah, I know it sounds kind of weird but, it's true. He only likes you because of your makeup. I mean just think about it Leah... He's white. You're not. I mean, remember when you walked on the stage and your applause was HUGE. Or, how you have your 'Leah defenders'? Walker doesn't have any of that. That's why he's dating you. He probably thinks he's gonna get the you things you have." She said as she put her hand on my shoulder.

"That's not true." I told her as I moved away from her hand. "That's what he wants you to think. I mean, Leah really think about it. He's been dating you since... Forever, and no one has yet to be his 'bodyguard'. You know, most boys are just trying to love up on someone just because. Trust me, I've had A LOT of so called 'boyfriends'. Soon or later, you're going lose him, or either he's going to lose you. That's how they do. Even the softest boys. I'm just trying to help you understand." She talked like she knows the future or something. "Yeah, sure." I whispered underneath my breath.

"Or either, he'll ditch you because he feels like you're taking his life away. He doesn't even spend time with Momona and his other friends because of you. Soon or later... He's not gonna want to be with you. You're his focus and he might lose everything around him from being with you so much. I'm just telling you the truth." She said softly.

I looked down as I thought about what she said. It shouldn't be true but, it sounds so true. I have been the focus in Walker's life. I'm with him every single day. Maybe I do need to just... Give him some space.

I didn't respond to the girl but I just looked up at her, and gave her a fake smile. She left and I just stood there and thought about it.

When I went back to the table, I sat beside Dior and avoided Walker for the sake of our relationship.

When we got ready to leave, he called me. "Yes?" I said as I slowly walked to him. "Are you okay?" He asked me as he put his hands in mine. "Yes, I am." I said as I slowly and softly pulled my hand away. He looked concerned and I just went to the car.

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