Double Couple! P2

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This is about Waleah and Darlie going on a double date! Enjoy!

*Leah's POV*
As soon as me and Walker got out of the car, we rushed to change our clothes. When we were on the elevator, we were in the Flash position before he runs. We were waiting to zoom through the door. "As soon as it fully opens, the race begins." I said waiting to zoom out the door. "Deal." Walker said with his game voice. The elevator stopped and my heart dropped. I HATE when it does that. I sighed. "You okay there, Buttercup?" Walker said with a slick smile. "Whatever, Cupcake." I said with a smile. We bent down and when the elevator went *ding* we RAN. We both went in our rooms and slammed our door.

*Walker's POV*
Leah doesn't stand a chance. This beau is way to fast. And besides, I don't wear makeup. So, I'm chilling right now. Oh dam it... I forgot she doesn't have on makeup. Now, my speed is definitely speeding up. As soon as I put on my shoes, I hear a door. I quickly open mine to see Leah getting in the elevator. "Aw come on!" I say as I'm struggling to put on my shoe. When I get down, she's just standing by the elevator door. "I win." She said tilting her head with a side smile. "And there are no excuses. Go on, say it." She said with a smile. I sighed and looked around. "You won." I mumbled. "Say what? I didn't hear my name." She said with a mischievous smile. "You won, Leah." I said poking my neck out. "Thank you." She said with a quick nod, turning around and walking to the lobby. I just shook my head and chuckled.

We waited a little bit for Dior and Charlie to pick us up. We went to Pizza Hut for lunch. "So, what do you guys want to do next? We already had something planned but, we just wanted to know if you guys had something in mind." Charlie said with his deep chill voice. "Oh, I was actually going to ask you guys what we're going to do today." Leah said with a smile. "Oh okay. Well, after this... We're taking y'all to the movies!" Dior said with a singsong tone. "Oh ho ho yeah!" Me and Leah said. Charlie chuckled and Dior smiled.

*Leah's POV*
I've always wanted a sister, and that's what Dior is to me. And Charlie is like a chill brother. Walker, is my beau for life! I don't care what happens, I love them. We went to the movies and watched 'Transformers: Rise of the Beast 2.' It was great, and loud! After we watched the movie, we went to this new park. It was SO fun! We were so active and happy! It was great! We also took a few picture together. Walker was doing backflips... Of course. Me and Dior were stick fighting! Haha! Charlie was trying to backflip but, he was scared. I don't judge, I am scared. "Leah! Come here!" Walker said with excitement. "What?! What is it?" I said looking over his shoulder. "I don't see any-aah! Walker!!" It was a freaking spider. I slapped the back of his head. "You are so messed up!" I said in a wining tone. He ran. I ran after him. It was pretty much like tag at this point. Dior and Charlie were just chilling on the swings.

*Charlie's POV*
"Does this give you any memories?" I asked Dior softly. She smiled and looked at me and said "So many!" I smiled and watch Leah and Walker. So did Dior. They're on the ground talking, giggling, pointing at birds. Just having a good time. "That's so special to me. Their relationship. It's beautiful." Dior said with a sigh. "It is. I love how they take pride in it too." I said swinging swiftly back and forth. After a while, we went back to the hotel. Our date night wasn't over yet.

Part 3 is guaranteed! It's gonna be a bit of suspense! I love you guys!

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Part 3 is guaranteed! It's gonna be a bit of suspense! I love you guys!

Walker and Leah Where stories live. Discover now