Double Couple P3

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This is about Waleah's and Darlie's double date turn into one fate. Enjoy...

*Dior's POV*
"Okay, so.... My parents are okay with you guys having a sleepover with me, what do you say?" I asked Walker and Leah. "YESSSS!!" Leah exclaimed. "Yea!" Walker said with excitement. "Okay! Well, go ahead and put on some comfy clothes and meet us here again." Charlie said putting his hands on their shoulders. They nodded and walked away in sync. Oh my cute little babies. Charlie turned around and put his hands on my waist. "You too, lover boy." I said tapping his chest. He smiled and kissed me. I moved my hands up to his neck. When we broke apart, his eyes were still closed. "Charlie. We gotta go." I said softly. He slowly opened his eyes and smiled. "I'll see you later, muffin." He said as he walked away. "Alright, Bubba." I said as I smiled and called my mom.

*Leah's POV*
About 20-30 minutes later, Dior's mom picked us up. We went to Dior's house and it was very nice. Dior's mom left to go pick up her dad. We got there around four so, we wanted to make an early dinner. Me and Walker agreed to make it, since Dior and Charlie had planned the day. We're making stir fry. I already know... It's gonna be so good. Charlie's looking for a movie and Dior's in the bathroom. "Oh, shoot." I heard Walker say quietly. "What? What's wrong?" I immediately went into protective mode, and went to the other counter. "Oh nothing. I almost cut my finger but I didn't so, don't worry, Annabeth." He said with a smirk. "Whatever, beau." I said moving back to the rice. I started moving on to the sauce. Dior came out.

She looked a bit ill or maybe tired. "Hey Di. You really had it, huh?" I said jokingly. She chuckled softly. "Um. W-where's... uh Ch-Charlie?" She asked weakly. "He's getting the stuff from outside now. Are you good?" I got a wee bit concerned. "Yeah. Thanks." She responded in a slow manner with her eyes fluttering. "Dior, are you sure you're okay?" I started to get concerned and my stirring slowed down. "Yeah. I just..." she said quietly. Then, she just fell from her knees to her stomach to her head.

I ran as fast as could to catch her. "Dior! Dior! Hey, Sis! Di! DIOR!" I put her head in my lap and slapped her face. She didn't wake up. "Walker, turn off the stove, grab a pillow, and call 911." I said as my voice started cracking. I checked for a pulse. There was one, but I was slowing down. Then, there was no pulse. "Hi, My sister-sorry, my friend just passed out." Walker said with a concerned voice. "And her pulse is slowly down." I said as I kept shaking her and calling her name. I was crying now. The dispatcher gave us instructions. He told me that she needed CPR. I didn't know what was wrong at all. "Dior! Dior, please!" I said as I continued my compressions. I even did mouth to mouth. A few seconds later, Dior opened her eyes. "DIOR! Dior, hang on. Just wait." I said as I rubbed her hand on her head. I looked up at Walker and he looked concerned and confused. Just like me. "She's awake." Walker said over the phone. He put his hand on her arm. "Okay, just slowly sit her up, and check to make sure she has no injuries." The dispatcher told us. Me and Walker looked around her body and we told him she was fine. "Okay, now just let her lean on something, and give her a moment. Some water would be nice." He said calmly and quickly. Me and Walker picked Dior up on both sides and put her on the couch. Waller gave her some water. I think she's going to be okay.

A few seconds later, Charlie came in with everything for the sleepover. "What's going on?" He asked as he dropped everything. "I don't know. She just passed out." I was still worried. She's not saying anything and it's scary. "Okay. I think I know why but, it's okay. She'll be fine." Charlie said calmly. "Why?" Me and Walker asked. "She's probably just a bit street or something. No need to worry, Bambi." He told me softly. "You either, bug." He told Walker. He sat on the floor, in front of Dior. " Hey, Dior." Charlie said softly while gently rubbing her leg. A few minutes later, she opened her eyes fully. "Hey guys." She whispered. "Dior!" I hugged her from the side and she held my arms. I started crying again. Walker hugged her from the side as well.

*Dior's POV*
When they let go, Charlie kissed my head. "What happened, Di?" Leah asked me with concern. I didn't want to tell them I have GAD. "If I tell you, you have to promise not to tell anyone." I said quietly. "I promise. We'll stick on our word." Walker and Leah said in sync. They put their pinky's up. I locked mine with theirs and smiled. I looked at Charlie and he smiled and nodded. "I... I have G.A.D." I said quietly. "What's GAD?" Walker asked. "You have anxiety attacks?! Oh, Dior. Why didn't you tell us?" Leah said softly. Walker look at me with a bit of confusion. "Generalized anxiety disorder." Leah told him. "Oh, okay." He said in relief. "So, why didn't you tell us?" He asked. "I don't know. I guess it's just... A sensitive topic for me." I said looking down. "So... What happened?" Leah asked me hesitantly. "You don't have to answer, that's totally okay." She said quickly. I slightly shook my head. "That's okay." Walker said softly. "Right, as long as you're okay now, that's all that matters." Charlie said softly. "Thanks guys." I'm so grateful for these jokers.

*Walker's POV*
I feel kinda bad for Dior. I don't even know how long this has been happening. However long, I just hope she'll be okay. I know Leah does too. And same as Charlie. I just put my hand on her shoulder and Leah rubbed her head. "It's gonna be okay." Charlie said softly. Me and Leah nodded. We looked at Dior and she was smiling. Leah hugged her again, and I followed her lead. Dior is really like a sister to me. She's amazing.

*Charlie's POV*
After a while, Walker and Leah helped me set up the sleeping bags and things. I still picked Dior up, just in case. We had our sleep over, Leah played some music, we played games and still had fun. Dior was soon laughing and enjoying her time. That's all that mattered to me. This is my family. That's amazing. And the best part... We all love each other. How special is that? We're setting the definition or Mr. MLK's dream.

Walker and Leah Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz