A day like a fish!

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This about Walker and Leah spending a day underwater! Enjoy!

*Leah's POV*
Yesterday, Uncle Rick told us that we're going to be underwater for most of the day. I'm SO nervous! I like being underwater and all but... Not for most of the day. Luckily, I've got Walker with me. I have a good feeling that we're going to have some fun!

*Walker's POV*
Yesterday, Uncle Rick told us that we're going to be underwater today! I'm SO excited! I love being underwater, especially for most of the day. I know Leah is super nervous but, she's got me. I'll get her safe. I have a great feeling that we're going to have a lot of fun!

It's 8:30 right now, and I'm waiting for Leah. My dad's dropping us off today. Then, I see Leah. I spoke to her this morning but, I still love seeing her. "Hey, Walle Bell!" she says giving me one of those cute hugs. "Hey, Lee Bee!" I say hugging her back. We got in the car and arrived to the set. "You guys have fun!" My dad said as we got out of the car. "Okay! Thanks dad." I said patting the window. "Thank you, Mr. Pete!" Leah said waving bye. "You're welcome, Leah!" He said waving back. My dad really likes her. I think all of my family does. Not only because she's amazing but, I've finally found someone to share my life with, someone I enjoy more than just filming. That's a big deal for me.

*Leah's POV*
As we walk on the set, I see the HUGE tank! I take a deep breath with a nervous smile. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. "Hey, don't worry! I'll be there the WHOLE time!" He said grabbing my shoulders. We kept walking and we greeted everyone there. Today, it was just me and Walker filming here. First, we got in a pool, with our clothes on and practiced a bit in there. After about an hour, we took a break. "That wasn't bad at all was it?" Walker said with a smile. "No actually! But, I'm freezing!" I said with a chuckle. Walker laughed "You'll get used to it!"

*Walker's POV*
We're still a bit wet but, we're about to go in the BIG tank! I love it so much but, my poor baby girl looks so nervous! I interlocked my fingers with hers. "Hey, you'll be fine. The crew is going to be there. If you're running out of breath, they'll either let you come up, or give you an oxygen mask. It'll be amazing!" I said swinging her arm back and forth. She giggled with her sweet angelic voice. "You think so?" She said swinging my arm higher. "I do." I said with my voice trembling with how much my arm was swinging. It was funny!

We got to the top and I held Leah's hand as we floated at the top. "Oh my goodness!" Leah's voice echoed through the tank. "It's cool isn't it." I said looking at her shocked face. "It's so amazing!" She was in awe! "Are you guys ready to go under?" The director asked us. "Yes ma'am!" Leah said with a huge smile. "Sure am!" I said grabbing Leah's hand.  She sighed when I grabbed her and we took a deep breath and went under.

*Leah's POV*
It was amazing! They had props everywhere! My lungs were a bit compact but, after some time, it was just fine! Walker held my hand for most of the time. When it was time to film, I had to fight underwater. That was crazy. There were a lot of times when I would have to use the oxygen mask but, it was still amazing! There was one scene I had to act like I was drowning. When they said "Cut!" It was hard to hear but, I still heard them clear enough to know what they said. Each time, Walker would come over with the oxygen mask for me. I put it in my mouth and breathe in. A whole bunch of bubbles would come in my face. Walker showed me how to do it. He made me feel very comfortable.

Walker also taught me a few things. It was amazing! I learned how to do a backflip, swim like a dolphin, hold my breath longer, and a lot more. The more time I spent in the water, the more natural it got. It was amazing! Me and Walker had our first underwater kiss recorded for behind the scenes. It wasn't for filming, just for fun. It was really amazing!

 It was really amazing!

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(I edited it.)

It was around 2:00 when we were just taking a break. The producers asked us what we wanted to listen to. Before Walker could say anything I blurted out "'How deep is your love? PJMortons'!" Walker actually said the same thing. I honestly didn't expect him to. I looked at him with a smile and shocked face. "What? I was just feeling it." He said with a smile. When the song started, Walker took my waist and my hand as I put my hand on his shoulder and held his other hand. We were dancing to the song and I would sing it every now and then. "...And the moment that you wander far from me, I wanna feel you in my arms again. And you come to me on a summer breeze. Keep me warm in your love, then you softly leave." So would Walker. It was really nice. "...We belong to you and me" Me and Walker sang in harmony. Walker can sing very well. He's like me. We don't sing in front in front of people. Of course, my extra boyfriend swooped me down at the end of the song and kissed me. Everyone started laughing and cheering. It was funny. I loved spend time with Walker. Even if it's underwater. I had fun! Lots of fun!

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