He looks at the two kids sitting with their grandparents before turning back to Stevie.

"I want to thank you for trusting me, for loving me and for allowing me to be the best version of myself, but also the worst sometimes. Thank you for letting me be a father to Cole and Zara and to our new baby. I will do everything in my power to never let them or you down. Thank you for being there for me whenever I need you. I love you more than I will ever be able to put into words. But for the rest of our lives I am going to show it to you, so you will never have to doubt my feelings for you."

He takes a deep breath, hoping he was able to get the words out as he wanted to.
Looking at Stevie he can see a single tear running down her cheek and he wipes it away with his thumb.

"That was beautiful. How am I supposed to top that?" She says, her voice thick with emotion.
"Somehow I'm sure you will." He squeezes her hand to give her some encouragement.

"Stevie, let's hear your vows." Jesse says and she nods.
She also wrote some things down, but she doesn't feel like reading that is the right thing to do. So just like Daniel she will just speak from her heart. Her heart that is so full of love, it shouldn't be too hard.

"My love. I was so broken when we met, of course I could see you were very handsome and sexier than anybody I've ever seen. But there was no way I would ever allow you to break through the walls I put up. No matter how much my parents and my friends told me to try.
And then there was this night in Monza, where Melissa found a very drunk, very naked Seb in front of his caravan."

Melissa and Seb start to chuckle, Sebs face turning a bit red. Michael bites his lip, trying not to burst into laughter. That was a fun night though.

"I remember being a bit angry at you for throwing him out of his caravan in his state, but once we got him all sorted I realized it was just how you guys were. Fun, a bit crazy, but still you would help a friend when they needed you. That night you said that you wanted to kiss me, but you knew I was hurt and wouldn't open up so easy. I thought you were drunk so you wouldn't remember what you said. But you did. And you gave me time, time I needed to let my guard down. Time for me to understand that you are one of the good ones. And I was falling for you even though I was terrified."

Daniel can feel her hands shaking in his and he holds them a bit tighter. He was there for her then and he is here for her now.

"The way you interacted with Cole and Zara was mind blowing to me. I didn't know that somebody who only just came into our lives could form such a strong connection with them so quickly. You didn't have to do all those things, but you did because you are just a good person with a huge heart. Bit by bit you healed me, you showed me how to trust somebody again and more importantly, you showed me how a man should treat a woman. For that I could never thank you enough. You are the type of man I hope Cole will grow up to be. You are the type of man I hope Zara will end up with someday. And you are the man I want to spend the rest of my life with. There won't be a day that goes by without you knowing how much I love you. Thank you for choosing me, for being patient with me and for just being you."

Stevie turns to Grace and Joe.
"I want to thank the both of you for raising him to be a good man. You gave him the example and thought him right from wrong. So thank you for that and for accepting me and the kids into your family. I really love you guys."

Grace puts her hand on her chest, trying hard not to get emotional.
"We love you too sweetheart." Joe says blowing a kiss to his daughter in law.
Then Stevie turns to her own parents.

"Dad, thank you for giving me that push to go to Zandvoort with you. Thanks to you we are standing here today. And mom, I didn't understand how hard it must have been to see me before I met Daniel. I didn't want to see how bad my previous relationship was. I should have listened to you, because you and dad gave me the perfect example on how a relationship should be. So I'm sorry for not seeing that sooner."

Shape of you (Daniel Ricciardo)Where stories live. Discover now