Chapter 27

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The Strix had yet to make their true appearance but I was glad there were things I didn't have to worry about. We had less dead Bennetts. The doppelgangers were all alive and wandering. I was getting too comfortable. It made me so nervous. Okay, maybe it was more than just the Strix. Surprisingly, it was a normal anxiety to have. Erik had left to drive up to his mother and bring her back to New Orleans. I offered a room at the house but he thought she shoudl stay in a hotel. I didn't understand why so I just let it go.

I paced around the house straightening up everything. "Why do we have boxes everywhere?" I asked as I walked into the upstairs hallway. Monique came out her room to answer the question.

"There's three more weeks of summer then we have to go to New York and Virginia."

"Why does it feel like you guys are moving out?" I asked with a pout. Davina joined us.

"Because we are. But we know home is here. We know our family is in New Orleans and we both promised you and each other that we would come home for Thanksgiving and Christmas," she told em.

"And we're both going to talk to our professors to get time off to come home for Samhain."

"I just want you both to know what it's meant to me that-"

"Please, Amour. Not another speech."

"You give them like every two days now. No more until you're dropping us off at college."

It was two hours later when I heard the gate to the home open. I felt them coming before they parked. Monique and Davina had made themselves scarce at firends homes for the first meeting. I suppose they wanted to give us some privacy. I downed my glass of wine then took a deep breath before going to open the door.

Immediately, the vibes were off. Erik looked slightly irritated and his mother looked no better. I could see what he'd gotten from her but he clearly look mostly like his father. His mother was quite shorter than both of us, with chocolate brown hair and bright blue eyes. Her skin wasn't tan like Erik's more pale and slightly freckled. Erik's eyes sofetened as he met my own. "Amour," he said to me then looked down to his mother.

"This is my mother, Cressida Leifson," he said and I held out my hand but she didn't take it. So I put it down and tried not to flush red.

"It is nice to meet you. I'm Amour Bennett." The woman still said nothing. I stepped aside, "Please come in." She walked past me and I looked to Erik. He shook his head, clearly meaning he didn't want to talk about it but I didn't know what else to do.

"I set up some finger foods and some drinks on the patio."

"Sounds good." His mother just scoffed. I didn't know what I'd done so wrong.

"Erik didn't tell me you were plus sized," Cressida said to me. The first words she said. To her son's girlfriend. I felt like I was in another world. Or a horrible dream.

"Maybe it was just keeping it as a surprise. I suppose I technically count as a plus size. I'm a fourteen. But I'm also six feet tall with a decent amount of curves."

"I love your body," Erik reassured me, which I already knew. His mother grimaced as we got to the back area and Erik pulled out her chair then mine. I kissed him on the cheek in thanks, "How's everything been here?"

"Fine. Quiet. Surprisingly."

"That's a good thing." We sat in silence. Mostly because his mother didn't want to say anything. I didn't know what to do.

"I don't get why I had to leave my house just so you could ask this witch to marry you." Cressida said and my mouth dropped open. She was here because Erik wanted to propose? I could feel the wings in my soul. Then I realized I'd heard about it through his mother. I looked at Erik who was just open mouth staring at his mother.

"Why would you say that?" he asked her.

"Say what? You've talked about it right? You say she's smart. She must have known why I was here. I don't leave my house. For good reason. Ain't no reason to."

"This is a good reason. I'll have a wife soon. The pack will have a Luna soon."

"Ain't no witch ever going to be Luna of the Northeast Atlantic Pack. Your Daddy didn't die for you to disgrace him this way."

"What way? Choosing a strong smart driven woman as my equal? Did you think announcing it meant I wouldn't go through with it?"

"A mother can hope. You let this witch cast a spell on you." I laughed coldly and stood up.

"Say witch like that again, you will live as a wolf for the rest of your life. A domesticated one," I glared at her.

"You witches all-" She stopped because her leg broke. She screamed out. Erik grabbed my arm and dragged me into the house.

"Amour, please. It's my mother." I stopped forcing the change and we both heard the sigh of relief. 

"Do you see what just happened? This entire interaction? Did I imagine this shit?" I asked him.

"No. I-"

"She's disrespectful. Even if she doesn't respect you as her son, she should as her alpha."

"I know."

"Do you?"

"This is the respect you're talking about?" he asked with glowing eyes.

"Hold up, don't go all growly on me." He sighed and his eyes turned back. 

"I know. I know. Please." I rolled my eyes but took a deep breath and walked back to the porch. His mother was quieter. But angry. So was I.

"You can keep looking at me like that all you want. I don't make threats I won't follow through on."

"Amour," Erik scolded me.

"Erik," I mocked him and he stood up.

"Ma, let's go," he said and I was shocked.

"What? I-"

"Where? Home?"

"No I was talking about the hotel. Where I'm about to drop you off since you both can't be adults. But would you really want to leave? You don't want to be a part of my life? This is a big moment in my life. I want you here but if you don't want to be here-" She stood up and clutched her purse close to her. In fact, she'd had it in a grip the whole time.

"It's not gonna last. Our kinds ain't meant to mix."

"Witches and werewolves have married before," I said to her. but she looked to her son.

"You want some kid that don't even look like you?" He flushed angry and red. His mother was embarrassing him. I could feel it wasn't even sincere. Insincere racism, who would thought there would be a day.

"I know that cannot be what this is about. Olivia was half black, Ma."

"Okay, I just don't like her."

"You don't even know her!/ You don't even know me!" Erik and I said at the same time.

"You know what fine! Just go home. I'll get someone to drop you off at the airport because I can't even look at you right now. I've worked so hard to make you happy. You can't even stop being petty for two seconds. I don't need that. Not in my life and not in my pack. So you think if you want to be a lone wolf or bow to me as your rightful Alpha. The choice is yours," she left outside as he pulled out his phone and called someone from his pack.  

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