Chapter 15

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Yule was an absolute blast. When we got back, we headed straight to my place. What we saw when we walked in was a sight to see. I opened the door to see Marcel in the living room eating popcorn with Mycah's head resting on his lap. "I see you both are getting along again," I said to both of them. Mycah just lifted her head up but lowered it again.

"We have come to an understanding. Quite the holiday we had. What about you ladies? How were the mountains?"

"Wonderful. We enjoyed ourselves, right?" I said and looked at Davina and Monique.

"It was great. You should have come," Davina said to him with a soft smile that made my heart flutter.

"Maybe next time. I'm glad you all had a good time. I should be heading back to the compound." he said and Mycah complained as he got up. I walked towards him and he kissed me. The more we kissed. The more I thought about what Danu said. Marcel wasn't going to be happy about it. "I'm taking you out for New Years. Be ready at 8." Our lips touched once more before he left. There was a bit of silence.

"Mycah," I said to break it. "We will have a couple new house mates for you. But you will behave." She looked at me with a question in her eyes. "I don't know when but the girls have familiars too. Lucky for you, they're both felines." Mycah lifted then lowered her head. I looked back at the girls. It was the day before New Years so I knew they would want to go spend some time with their friends. "Okay ladies, I am going to go take a bath before my date. Are you both heading out?"

"I told Tim and some other people I'd meet them," Davina said. He wasn't one of her possibilities but I'd let her figure that out for herself.

"Fang Lin is having a party," Monique mentioned. She was a small Asian French Quarter Witch belonging to the ancestral coven. And one of Monique's best friends.

"As long as there won't be a bunch of teen witches in my place, I'm good."

"What? Why?" I looked at her.

"Do you think they don't talk? Your little group of supernatural delinquents set the Rainier's boathouse on fire three weeks ago," I mentioned.

"That was an accident." I laughed.

"Tell it to someone who believes you. I'm going . Get settled in. Also, I expect you both to research how to care for your familiars."

"I have a house cat named Duchess. She'll be easy. She's basically Garfield from what I could feel." she said and I chuckled but looked at Monique.

"I will do the proper research."

"You have the magical connection but she's still quite wild. I don't need Mycah trying to kill her. She will be trained."

"Yes, Amour."

"Good. Now I'll see you both later."

I met Marcel outside my house in a black lace dress with a cropped black and gold blazer on top. "You look breathtaking," he said with his signature smile and I flushed hot.

"Thank you. You don't look too bad yourself." He took my hand and we headed off.

The night was amazing and romantic but also quite fun. We headed for a simple dinner for two then a couple parties on bourbon street. Dancing and drinking the night away. The night was coming to an end and we were lakeside with beignets and a bottle of champagne with no glasses. "So tell me about your holiday. Some nice witchy stuff?" he asked me.

"Lots of witchy stuff. I found out who my father invoked. His coven locked a god in his body so they could have his power."

"That's awful and cool. Do you know his name?"

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