Chapter 17

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Just because I was no longer with Marcel, didn't mean that life had to stop. I had the girls to look after. And while I know they didn't exactly appreciate the overbearing that I began to do. I also focused on school more for the next year. By the next school year's end, I had one semester left before I would receive my Master's degree in Art History.

    Throughout the year, each person in my life tried to make me return to dating. But I just couldn't. I wasn't waiting for Marcel but I wanted to take my time. I knew love was possible but no one else seemed interesting to me. If a Vampire King wouldn't match me in power then who would?

    I did have a couple surprises over the year. The first was Stefan who came to visit me midsummer. When I opened my door to him, I was quite shocked and he was very much in fear. "Well hello, Mr. Salvatore, what brings you to my door?" I asked him.

"You know it's really easy to find your house. Shouldn't that concern you?" I shrugged.

"Not really. I'm not that easy to kill and," on cue, Mycah appeared beside me and Stefan flinched. "I also have a pet lion. So what brings you to me?"

"You shook our lives up. I need someone to talk to. Caroline is my best friend but..."

"But she has feelings for you which would make it hard for her to be impartial." His eyes widened.

"No she doesn't."

"Oh, yes. She does. You would be happy with either of them."

"With Elena or Caroline?" he asked me.

"No with Rebekah or Caroline." I said and crossed my arms.

"Can I come in?" I shrugged again.

"Why not?" I walked into the house with Stefan on my tail. We went to the kitchen and I poured us both a drink. "So what's the problem?"

"Do you know about the history between me and Rebekah?"

"Yes, that's why I like her for you. There's nothing wrong with sweet Caroline. And I'm sure if the world was a utopia, you'd be great. But Rebekah, this is someone who you managed to treat well and even care about even when you supposedly had no feelings at all. At the height of your most vicious time." He drank and thought about it.

"So you think I should be with Rebekah?"

"I think you can be happy with both so the choice is really yours. Plus they both have similar traits,"

"Do you just want me to take Rebekah off the market so she stops coming after Marcel?"

"What do you know about that?"

"She complains about you, incessantly. First to Elijah, but he's pretty much over it. Now to me, since I will listen." I didn't reply or make any noise whatsoever. "She's not really interested in him."

"Well now neither am I," At that point, it had been over a month since our breakup.

"So you came all the way to New Orleans for just some advice?"

"I suppose. I also visited Bonnie. Her and Zenia seem very happy,"

"They are. I imagine they'll be married in a couple years."

"That's good. And what about you?"

"I'm me. Look Stefan, I think you just wanted to hear that you are doing the right thing. And you are. There is no wrong decision."

"Do you know what would happen to Caroline if I don't choose her?" I focused on her a bit. More than I usually do. I could see her and Tyler together. But he'd have to be a hybrid. She had a possibility of being with Klaus. Another with Alaric, but it wouldn't last. Then a tall dark skinned vampire I didn't know.

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