Chapter 7

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A week later, Bonnie and I were packing to head to New Orleans. A couple days had passed since I had given her Qetsiyah's magic and she was still getting used to it. Luckily, it was her spring break and time for Eva's baby shower. We knew it was going to be small but I convinced her it was worth it. Vincent's mother Miss Toni, who was also an elder, was even coming into town, which she rarely did. She preferred living smack dab in nature. Nowhere near other people. Or vampires. I looked into Bonnie's bag and saw a lacy bra and panties. I pulled it out and looked at her, "Are you having sex?" She snatched them from my hands and stuck them back in the Louis duffel bag.

"None of your business. Ugh, you're so embarrassing,"

"What? It's not like I'm your mother. We can't talk about it?"

"It's uncomfortable to talk about. We haven't done everything anyway."

"But you have done things?"

"Yes, I've done more than you. Not that there was a very high bar there. Have you ever even kissed someone?" I flushed red and looked down.

"It's harder for me. Sometimes when I look at someone, I can see who they're going to be with. And it's really hard when I see it isn't me. But Morgan has been married plenty."

"Well ask her how to know when it's the guy for you. And you know, the future isn't set in stone. There's probably a couple of people in this world for every person. Maybe their future can change."

"Maybe. Or maybe I'm taking away happiness from that other person. And that thought alone scares me." I stopped packing and sat down. Tears came down my face and I'm glad I got a better handle on my gifts. Being Nature was hard. The day got a little gray.

Zenia picked us up from the airport. "Baby!" Bonnie shouted and ran jumping into her arms. The statuesque witch wrapped her arms around her younger girlfriend. They swung around and Zenia put her down. They kissed quickly while I carried the bags. Bonnie pouted up at Zenia. "I missed you."

"I missed you too, love. Now let's get you back to my room," I cleared my throat as I walked up. Ugh, maybe I do need to get a life.

"Still here. I'd like to at least get dropped off at Vincent and Eva's before whatever happens here, actually happens," Bonnie flushed and Zenia just gave me a devilish smirk.

"How's the job?" Zenia asked me as we walked to her car.

"Fine for part time work. I'd rather work at a place with a little more foot traffic but the curator is nice and it gives me something useful for my resume. How's your freshman year?"

"Fine. Basic classes just require a bit more work. I didn't do the best at time management last semester but I'm better now." We got in and all three of us spoke as we drove to the Treme. They dropped me off in front of Vincent and Eva's house.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow to go shopping for the shower." They both nodded and lust filled the car and air. "Oh my goddess, empath here. Leave please. The feelings are overwhelming." I walked away from the car and down the street.

Seconds later I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around to see Sabine. "I thought I would hear from you eventually." I told her with a smile.

"Well the rumor is that you're a seer. I assumed you would visit me. But you never did. Greeted me at coven events but didn't even try to start a conversation." She had to be talking about Sabine's memories since I don't think she was possessing her then.

"Well Celeste, someone of your wisdom should know it does no good to confront people. I felt no need to. Your plans don't exactly interfere with mine. Because with mine, you have no plans." Her smirk turned into a scowl.

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