Chapter 6

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I went into our ritual room and did the spell. I had only done it a couple days earlier. Still mid ocean. I did it again and saw they finally reached land. Hamptons, NY. I decided to take a couple days off of work and drove up there.

I did the spell again once arriving in the city, with a local map. It led me to an amazing storybook cottage but pretty large. There was a car in the driveway and a small woman waiting at the door dressed in a simple cotton dress. I got out of the car in some boots, jeans, and a jumper since it was February. "Hello, Madame Le Fey has been expecting you. You shall be taking tea in the study." I nodded.

We walked through the property and it gave me some time to look around. It was a lot of natural light but plants everywhere. Exotic ones too. And I could swear I heard the cawing of a bird. The furniture was definitely more vintage than everything else. Very dark woods contrasting with white and cream accents. The library had a double door entrance and I walked in to see a woman in a heavy dress sitting near an entire English tea spread. I suppose I should've expected nothing less. She stood when I entered the room.

Morgan Le Fey reminded me of Ava Green. Not the exact looks. She was tall with dark hair, a shapely face, milky skin, and pine green eyes. There was a darkness to her eyes but with a spark that I enjoyed. "Miss Bennett, how lovely to finally meet you," she said, her voice deep and resonating with an old world English accent.

"Morgan Le Fey, I presume. You are kind of exactly what I would imagine."

"Thanks, I suppose. Now let's sit down and forget all formalities, we have much to discuss." she gestured to the chair across from her and I sat down. She began the tea service.

"Two sugars and 1/3 cream please," I said and she nodded. After our tea was prepared, she studied me.

"We've both had quite the journeys. I think you're quite a bit luckier than me. You only had to wait two decades to get to a time where you knew what was coming." I looked at her confused at first but then it clicked.

"You're not from this world either?" I asked with wide eyes.

"Well, I don't know if I'd exactly say that anymore. I was in our world for forty six years. I've been here for over sixteen hundred years. It seems this is my world now." She relaxed back into her chair. I had to remind myself to close my mouth. Then I noticed that I didn't feel emotions from her.

"Yes, that makes sense. I couldn't imagine. That many years without indoor plumbing or personal music players?"

"It had its difficulty but a world with magic, nothing compares. I'm sure you know." I nodded. "You must have a million questions for me."

"Well you were someone in the real world, kind of. How did that work with you coming here? How did you know you were here?"

"I didn't realize the world we were in until the year 1217. I was teaching witches in France and I ran into Kol Mikaelson. The moment I saw him, I knew. Of course, so much had happened to me by that time. I'd learned a lot. I was born immortal. I've survived death far too many times. And it's not like the Gilbert Ring or the Original daggers. I came back instantaneously. Healed immediately. Except the burning. That takes quite a bit out of me. Because you have to let it in, you see. Or they just keep you there in the flames. And as you know, we get peckish." What she said didn't really make sense to me.

"Do you believe me to be immortal as well? I find that hard to believe."

"Why? Have you ever been sick? Or injured yourself?" I thought about it. I suppose the answer was no. But I just thought it was because I was careful.

"But surely we fall out of use when the plot ends?" I asked her. She laughed.

"It's not like we're in a movie world. We are in an alternate universe. These people are not acting this is their lives. The stakes are real, the deaths are real. Never confuse yourself about that. And what plot? You seemed to have done your job in setting it completely off the rails." I smiled at that.

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