Chapter 22

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There were two bright flashes. Like the world filled up with light and then suddenly I was in a dark room. Another flash happened, I assumed Morgan was leaving. I looked around to see I was in a bedroom. My eyes adjusted and so did my empathy. There was anxiety and fear in the air as well as complete heartbreak.

"Erik?" I called out. The bed shifted and I realized there was a lump there. going over to it, I knelt near the bed. "Erik, my love, it's me. I heard what happened. I wanted to see if you were okay." No response. I put my hand on the lump and he lifted the covers.

"I killed him, Amour."

"I know. I'm sorry. Things just happened too quickly. Klaus told me he was going to kill you. He was cheating. And you didn't cheat back."

"How could you say that? he must not have told you the whole story."

"How did you cheat?"

"I could feel him. Fenrir. He was here. In my head. In my heart. In my soul. He was me and I was him."

"You knew that you were going to house him. Why is that so surprising?"

"He took over. I gave him permission. I just...I was a coward...I didn't want to die. I wanted to live for you. For us. And I prayed to the moon goddess. And I prayed to him. Hoping they would answer. Fenrir wanted blood and I gave it to him. Will he have me kill again? Will I have to?" I shrugged. Although I knew the answer was most likely yes. He would have to kill his own kind again. Not every Alpha was going to go into the new world freely. Some were going to be dragged kicking and screaming. And others would be conquered. There was a knock on the door.

"Rikky, its me. Are you okay? Talking to yourself? I'm telling you no one blames you for what happened. I know I don't. I understand what he did is wrong. Just talk to me. You never used to be this closed off before." I heard a female's voice say.

"Is that the lovely Olivia?" I asked in a low but annoyed tone. I took a deep breath and looked at him. "Love, you kind of smell awful. Can you please get up and take a shower while I answer your door and straighten up your room?" He didn't move for a moment. There was another knock on the door and he finally dragged himself out of bed. I took a moment to appreciate his body then, when he closed the door to the bathroom, I turned my attention to the door. I opened it softly.

On the other side of the door was a girl a couple shades lighter than me with a head of short corkscrew curls. "Who are you? Where is Erik?" she asked me angrily. Not in her tone but I could literally feel the anger coming off her in waves. And jealousy.

"Take it down a notch. I'm not the one," I warned her. "I am Amour, Erik's girlfriend. I've just arrived. He is taking a shower. What can we do for you?"

"I'm Beta. I need to talk to the alpha of my pack."

"Well once he is ready to talk to people, he will."

"I'm not people I'm..."

"His Beta. I'm aware. He's mentioned you."

"He's never mentioned you. As far as the pack knew, Erik was single."

"If that's the case, it was completely strategic, I assure you. Now I'm sure Beta is a very busy job. please go to something helpful instead 0f standing here. Oh and send Klaus when you can."

"Do I look like..." Is all I heard before I shut the door in her face. I walked to the bathroom to see Erik in the shower. He still looked good but there were bruises marking his lovely body and the shower ran pink with the specks of blood on him. Some his, some not.

"Was all that necessary?" he asked, not turning to face me.

"On her part or mine? We're women. We work differently." I assured him. He looked over at me. Finally looked.

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