Chapter 10

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I made New Orleans home but I still loved to travel. So before school could start, I traveled to Spain for two weeks. Vincent was not happy about having to feed and spend a little time with Mycah but he made do.

I was about to start school and everything felt like it had always been that way. It was a routine. Every Sunday Bonnie and Zenia met me for brunch. I got to spend all the time in the world with my goddaughter and best friends. And Marcel. Oh, Marcel. He was more than I had ever imagined. We had gone on six dates. Most were dinner or the rare brunch. The last time he took me to a fair. It was super cute. And he said it was because he knew that I never dated before. So he wanted to give me all the experiences. He even got an invite inside the house.

"Wait, do I really want to come in here?" he asked. "Don't you have a wild animal living with you?"

"Mycah and I are spiritually connected. She wouldn't hurt anyone unless she viewed them as a threat. Plus you can outrun her." I said. "Now, do you want to come in or not?" He came up behind me, I felt the entirety of his hot body behind me.

"Let's go," he whispered in my ear. I unlocked the door and the heels of my boots clicked against the marble.

"Mycah! I'm home! And I have a guest!" I felt him behind me. It's crazy to feel the lust of yourself and someone else at the same time. It's insane. And with us, it's always on overdrive. Although it's probably due to vampires having heightened emotions. I felt other things too. Wanting. Passion. Admiration. I also felt him staring at my ass. I heard a little growl and Marcel tensed. Small amount of fear. She came down and stared at Marcel.

"He is tall and strong. Will make for a good mate. Strong cubs."

"You have no idea how wrong you are about that."

"What did she say?" Marcel asked, staring at her. Mycah brushed by his leg, which didn't make him feel more comfortable.

"Nothing important. Mycah, please stay down here tonight. I don't think Marcel will get much sleep if you're in the bed."

"She sleeps in the bed with you?"

"Of course," I walked closer to him and pulled him by his jean loops. Our lips moved together, he wrapped his fingers in my hair. After a few minutes, I pulled away. "I need to tell you something. Ugh. I really don't want to have to say this." I leaned into him and hid in his shoulder. He grabbed my face and brought it up to him. Pushing our lips together once more. "This is so embarrassing. I'm kind of..."I stepped away. "You know what, maybe we can talk about this another night." He grabbed my hand.

"Can you just let me know what's happening?"

"It's going to freak you out. Ugh it freaks me out. But you know I'm not immature. I'm not a child. Look having the sight it doesn't make it easy. You see all these possibilities for people. And none of them include you. I know that you and Rebekah could be happy together and get married. It makes it hard. So I didn't want to give anyone a chance and I didn't."

"So you've never been with anyone?" I shook my head no. Anxiety. Could have been mine or his.

"Look, you can go home. This is too much."

"If I do, what's the end game? It doesn't change the situation. I don't want you to go just have sex with someone else. It's not like you act immature. I want to build something with you. I'd be lucky to have you attached to me. Not that you would. How about we just take this a little slower. I'm immortal. It requires a bit of patience."

"I'm so-"He stopped my statement with his lips.

"Don't. It just reminds me that you just need to live for you now. Okay? And I'm going to help you. I will see you tomorrow. I'm bringing you breakfast for your first day of school. Now go cuddle with your big ass cat." He kissed my lips twice more before leaving.

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