Cause lying was easier

350 22 21

"Nothin' happened
in the way I wanted.
Every corner of this house
is haunted"

Y/n snuggled into her blanket further to seek warmth in her sleep. Her hands going on her side to reach for taehyung only to realise that his side of the bed was empty. Her eyes fluttered open to check and she noticed that it was only her in the bed now. She clasped her palm against her mouth while yawning as she glanced at the wall clock to check the time. To check if Taehyung had already left for office. But it was barely 7.00 am now. Why would he leave this early?

Y/n sat up while pulling the blanket up to her chest with struggle as her thighs felt too sore to move. Her head leaned against the headboard as she grabbed her phone from the bed side table when she saw taehyung's car keys there. He must be home then which made her sigh a relief. She then leaned down to grab her dress from the ground to wear when she heard some rucksacking sound coming from downstairs. What could the sound be off? Is taehyung doing something? Won't he be getting late? Y/n wondered as she slipped the dress over her head and supported herself up from the bed. She then picked the shawl from the couch to wrap around her arms to shield herself from the cold winds of the winter morning and begin to walk out of their room.

And the more she walked out of her room, the more evident the sounds became. Holding onto the ends of the shawl she started to walk down the stairs while calling taehyung's name only to realise they weren't alone in the house.

Taehyung looked back upon hearing his name being called and saw his wife coming down the stairs while holding onto the stairs with a perplexed look on her face. He immediately signalled the workers to continue their work and quickly dashed towards y/n.

Y/n's eyes wide upon seeing their living room. It was completely messed up. There were few workers who were using a ladder and was doing something on the ceiling of the entrance. And upon staring at for a few seconds she realised that it seemed to be a CCTV camera. Some workers were also doing something on the windows while taehyung was standing behind, instructing them. But after hearing her footsteps he had immediately went by her side and tried to flash a reassuring smile.

His hand fixing the shawl on her arms to cover her properly as he spoke while trying to ease her.

Taehyung : You woke up quite early today...Why don't you get some more sleep-
Y/n : What's happening here taehyung?

Y/n asked him confusedly when taehyung tucked her hair bangs behind her ear and answered

Taehyung: Nothing y/n... I told you before that we needed to do some work on our house. So yeah that's it.
Y/n : What's with the cctv-
Taehyung : We have always had It y/n-
Y/n : We had It outside of the door. Not in our living room

Y/n interrupted by saying this when taehyung rubbed the sides of her arm over her shawl and said

Taehyung : It always was here before we got married y/n. But the camera had broke down and I was too lazy to get it fix. So I decided to get it fixed now, since I was getting some work done.

Y/n still wasn't able to buy taehyung's explanation. And taehyung could tell it clearly that she wasn't believing him so he continued to explain himself further.

Taehyung : It's better to have one on the entrance too y/n.
Y/n : Then what are you doing to our windows? They were fine Tae.

Taehyung's tongue brushed over his lips as it was much harder to make her believe something than he had anticipated. But he didn't want to worry her by all these issues regarding seungmin. He didn't want to tell y/n that he was anxious about her safety that's why he was getting new cameras on the door . He didn't want to tell her that he was Changing the glasses of the windows to obscure ones to make sure no one will be able to sneak glances of their house anymore. He didn't want to make her worried with what was happening around them so he choose to lie.

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