Take my hand ,wreck my plan

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Meanwhile taehyung on the other hand heard y/n's footsteps from the bedroom which was soon followed by a click closed sound from the main door. Y/n had left. Taehyung glanced at the clock on the wall. It was almost 10 pm now. When is she gonna be back? Who will be accompanying her? Is she gonna be okay on her own? No she can handle herself. She had been doing this her whole life. So she should be able to handle herself now as well right? Nothing has changed afterall. But wait-did something change? She looked different. What was it? Her dress- Yeah her dress indeed looked different. Nothing like that he had ever seen her wearing. She indeed looked different. But was she okay with it? She looked uncomfortable. No must have been his misconception. Why would she be uncomfortable. The dress looked good on her. But she does look good everyday in everything .But if she really was uncomfortable then she didn't needed to wear that to feel good right. No wait why is he thinking that she's uncomfortable. Just stop your random thoughts Tae!

He mentally scolded himself and freshened up before dropping the bed. Glancing at the clock he wondered why she hasn't come back yet. She was alone wearing that at night. F**k Tae. There's nothing wrong with her outfit. Don't keep thinking about that. But she really did looked different. It would be a lie if he said that he was unamused. It would be perverted of him to think stuffs like this but he really couldn't take his eyes off her first. The way the dress sculpted her body perfectly. And those red lips. Those were indeed lucrative. F**k what are you thinking Tae. I'm overwhelmed because of jet leg. Yes jet leg. He thought.But Was it wrong for him to let her go alone? Will she be okay. Taking his phone he hesitated wether he should call her or not. His head was messed up with thoughts when he heard a sound of car screeching. He immediately sat up walked towards their window. He saw y/n getting out from the car as she waved at someone. The car looked familiar. Was it of her friend. Yeah eunhee. So she went out with her. That's a relief then. He saw y/n entering through the main gate. Noticing that he quickly turned the lights of and laid down on the bed, covering himself with a blanket he pretended to be asleep. He didn't knew why but he didn't want her to know that he had been awake. He heard footsteps entering the room which haulted aburptly for second before he heard them again. The light of the room hadn't turned on but he heard the bathroom door clicking. Maybe she had gone to the bathroom. He could hear the faucet running. And soon after few minutes he heard the door opening again followed by footsteps reaching towards their bed. A second later he felt a weight of the mattress. Her familiar scent of Shea butter lotion entering his nostrils. Feeling relaxed that she had come home safely he closed his eyes to sleep when he heard y/n's voice. It was very low almost as if she was whispering.

Y/n : You must be sleeping now....You had a long day afterall...~sad chuckle~But I was wondering..what else can I do to...- forget it.

Taehyung waited for her to finish what she was saying but he couldn't hear anything. Instead he just heard a bit o fumbling on the sheets. Hesitantly he slightly peeked to look at her and saw her back against him.

He never got to knew what she was about to say. He never knew how quitely y/n mumbled " I don't know what else i can do to make you look at me".....

Next morning waking up taehyung found the other side if the bed empty. Is she at the washroom? But she wakes him up always right- what's the time. He sat up to check the time on his phone. Rubbing his eyes he rested his head on the headboard as he unlocked his phone. It was way too early for her to wake up. It was around 7.00 am. Yawning he stood up and walked towards the washroom. There was no sound. He grabbed the door knob and twisted it. She wasn't there. Maybe downstairs. Right downstairs. Thinking this he freshened up and came out from the washroom. Walking down the stairs he found the house oddly quite. Usually he heard sounds from the kitchen but there was none today. Entering the kitchen his suspicion turned true. She wasn't there. Where could she be- a plate with breakfast was placed on the counter closed by a cover lid. A sticky note beside that. Which read-

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