A leap of faith

386 28 17

You are not like me

The words kept echoing on his head when a sound interrupted him. Y/n had came out of the washroom but instead of heading towards her dresser or the bed she took fast strides towards the balcony. Taehyung watched her as she closed the balcony door behind her and pulled the curtains. He could see the shadows of her silhouette as she slide down against the door. Taehyung's hand unconsciously went to the door to open it to check on her. But somehow he couldn't. The simple act of sliding the door open to reach her seemed to hard to do. He still...He still didn't knew where he should draw the line of boundary. And this hesitation was overpowering which made him take steps back. And just like all the other times he decided to feign ignorance as the battle against this hesitation was tough to win.Turning the lights off he laid down on the bed. But his eyes didn't leave her.

Sliding against the window y/n anxiously started to bite her nails. Unlocking her phone her eyes glanced over at the time. It was more than 1.00 am. Her fingers lingered over her mother's caller id. She herself knew that she was probably overthinking. But what if. What if these eerie feeling was true. What if they got into a messy fight over the dinner issue again? What if-To get rid of that feeling she decided to call her mother. It rang and rang till the call ended automatically. Why isn't she picking up? She tried calling for her again and again but she wasn't answering. She never does that. Did anything happen? No she's gonna pick up soon. She should try after few minutes. The time passed painfully slowly. And after 5 minutes she found herself calling for her mother again.But the result remained same. She couldn't keep her cool anymore. Agressively moving her wet hair strands from her face, she stood up and came out from the balcony heading towards him.Taehyung's eyes were closed. He probably fell asleep. She shouldn't disturb him but she felt helpless. So she crouched down to pat his arms as she muttered his name.

Y/n : Taehyung.

He nearly immediately opened his eyes staring back at her. Her eyes were red and glossy. Her t shirt was completely wet around her shoulders due to her dripping hair. She looked anxious. He immediately sat up answering her

Taehyung : H-huh. Yes.
Y/n : Can you take me home.

She uttered almost desparately.

Taehyung : Home-
Y/n : Please. I know it's late. But I really need too-
Taehyung : Wear your shoes.
Y/n : H-huh?

Moving the duvet away taehyung stood up grabbing the car keys from the bed side table he walked towards the couch. He then grabbed the towel which was on the armrest and walked back to y/n. Handing her that he spoke.

Taehyung : I'll get the car. Wipe your hair and come down.

He said before walking out of the room. Y/n stood there staring at the towel on her hand. She could still hear taehyung's footsteps. She should hurry and follow him too. So she quickly wore her slippers and tied her hair with the help of the towel and walked down the stairs. By the time she reached the main door, taehyung had already been there waiting inside the car. Taking fast strides she entered in , closing the door after her. Taehyung didn't question her anything and drove straight to her house. Thankfully the there was no traffic since it was nearly 2.00 am now.

Y/n rang the doorbell waiting for it to be opened. But no one came. Anxiously she started ringing the door bell again and again when taehyung's hand grabbed her wrist, stopping her.

Taehyung : Wait... They must have been sleeping. You'll end up worrying them.
Y/n : B-but they aren't opening-

A click sound was heard followed by a twist at the door knob as the door opened revealing her mother. Her mother's eyes were swollen. Not like how they had been at the time of the dinner. She looked startled as well to see y/n and taehyung at the door step as well.

After I do || Taehyung ffOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz