How it all had started

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~Taehying was at lose after hearing y/n. Yeah probably he was indeed angry or disappointed in her but why would he divorce her over this small matter.
They didn't get married because of love but that doesn't mean they should give up on each other over this.Both of them had this fear in them that said "it might not work". But They promised to themselves to try. Probably not loud out but they did. Everytime y/n cooked for him was a try. Everytime y/n served strawberry to him after dinner was a try. Everytime taehyung checked upon her bus cards was a try. Everytime taehyung brought chicken nuggets on his way home was a try. Everything was a attempt to show that they hadn't gave up on trying yet. But then why she felt the need to say it aloud to him today. To say it aloud that she indeed feared that they might fall apart. Why did she needed the assurance that it will work? She won't probably remember all these in the morning. But that didn't mean that taehyung should stay quite. He wanted to assure her even though she won't remember. He wanted to assure her even though he himself wasn't confident in making this work. So taehyung cupped her cheeks to make her look up at him. From up close he could clearly notice her swollen red eyes,her wet eyelashes, her slightly smudged mascara.

Taehyung: Shh.. Don't. Don't cry hmm.. ~pause~It will work. We are gonna make it work. You heard me? Right?
Y/n : Hmm..We'll make it work
Taehyung: Exactly. We'll make it work..Now we should sleep okay?
Y/n : Hmm we should sleep.
~She murmured after him~
Taehyung: Yes.
~He said while lowering her down on the bed~
Y/n : Taehyung?
Taehyung: Hmm..?
~He said while his thumb still rubbed the scratched part of her finger~
Y/n : You are not angry right?
~Taehyung tried to force a smile as he lightly peaked on that scratch of her finger before replying~
Taehyung: I never was...Sleep now hmm..?

Hearing him y/n finally closed her eyes and in a min or two her body relaxed and she finally fell asleep. Then taehyung slowly pulled the cover over her. He then loosened his tie as he took his wrist watch of before placing it on the bed side table. He was about to retrieve his hand when he stopped. His hand reached for the photoframe which was placed on the table. He took it from the table as he looked at it. It's been here for a month. It's been here since the second day of their wedding. Y/n was standing there beside him in a white dress which ended few inches above her heel with a small bouquet of baby breathe. And beside her was him standing in a grey suit. They were standing side by side in that picture with y/n's right hand resting interwined in his elbow. They both had a small hesitant smile in the picture . It was their wedding picture.


Taehyung stood at the entrance of the court in a grey tux complimented by a white shirt with an umbrella folded in his hand. Apparently it had been raining severely since morning. They couldn't get married on the weekend since the office would be close so they had to choose a week day. It was easy for taehyung to skip office since he himself is the president but for y/n it wasn't. She had barely had started her job as an intern in a software company. So it was impossible for her to get a day off. But thankfully she managed to get a half day off so she had to work till one hour past lunch time. It wasn't that far from her office to reach the court but the rain had worsened. Taehyung along with his family and 2 of his close friends and y/n's parents were already present. Y/n's father had informed them that y/n was almost near the court so taehyung's sister immediately urged him to go and wait for her and of course carry an umbrella in case she didn't had it. So taehyung waited for her.

While y/n was still in a taxi. She took out a compact mirror from her bag as she tried to see her reflection. She had done her makeup in the the office during lunch time. She then Hastily took out her lipstick from her purse as she tried to apply it at the places where it seemed to be needed but surprisingly her hands were shaking. Was it wedding nerves? She didn't felt anything out of the box throughout the day but now as time started ticking faster she couldn't help but get anxious. She put her lipstick back on her bag as she took one last glance at her. Did she look like a bride she wondered. For god's sake she wasn't even wearing a wedding dress. Since she just had started to work before the wedding it had become nearly impossible for her to get a day off. She had already took one to meet taehyung for the second time which their parents had labeled as a "date". So taking a day off for wedding dress trials was impossible. Besides everything was happening too fast. Besides none of them were that much enthusiastic about the wedding. Considering the fact of y/n's tainted perspective of happy successful marriage ,she didn't had loads of expectations from her wedding. Perhaps she did had once but everything got forgotten as she grew up. While taehyung too wanted to have a reserved wedding with his family and perhaps later a dinner with close relatives made things easier for them. So yeah she ended up rumerging through her closet to find anything that was fully white and thankfully she found one. It was a plain full sleeve white dress which had ended few inches above her ankle.

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