You didn't leave me

399 27 14

Y/n : I'm fine taehyung. Really. We should go b-back to eat.

She said walking past him when taehyung noticed-

Y/n came back to the dinning table. Apology was ready right on her tongue but before she could taehyung came back almost rushing. Standing behind her he spoke.

Taehyung : Mom- she is isn't feeling well. I'll take her to the room.

Y/n too looked back questioningly. She knew his mother wouldn't like it.And indeed his mother's eyebrows furrowed. She was ready to contradict.

Y/n : It's O-okay-
Taehyung : Let's go to the room-
Taehyung's mother : She can go herself. You are gonna be late for your office Tae-
Taehyung : I'll explain later Mom.

He said grabbing y/n's hand ,pulling her before him and urged her to go up. Hesitantly she started climbing up the stairs. Even her legs were shaking due to pain. She could feel taehyung's presence right behind her. Holding the ralling of the stair she forced herself up. Entering the room taehyung closed the door behind her. Her left hand remained clasped around her stomach as she spoke facing him.

Y/n : We should h-have stayed there-
Taehyung : You should probably go to the washroom-
Y/n : Why would I-

She couldn't complete her sentence as a shot of throbbing pain on her lower abdomen made her almost lose her balance. Somehow she held on to the wall for support while the pain made her scrunch her eyes. Taking slow breathes she tried to regain herself when she heard him speaking.

Taehyung : Y/n- When was your period last?

Her gaze became perplexed at the question at first. But as the question sink into her she realised that maybe- Hesitantly she asked.

Y/n : Is it 23rd-
Taehyung : It's 21st today.

She closed her eyes and sighed.

Y/n : Excuse me.

She said while walking past him and locking the door of the washroom behind her. Taehyung sighed as he sat on the edge of the bed waiting for her. It clearly was blood stain on her shirt. And the pain- it has to be menstruation cramps. He rested his forehead on his plams as he wondered. It would have been better if they had gone to a hotel yesterday instead of coming here. Perhaps she wouldn't have been that uncomfortable then. Meanwhile sitting on the toilet seat she cursed at herself. How stupid she had been! She was clearly having pain on her lower abdomen and back. There was cramps on her inner thigh as well. How could she not realise that it was period! She had been having periods since ages how could she be so stupid now! It's just she was so engulfed with the possibility of the pain being because of the spicy ramen that she didn't even bother to think any other scenarios. But the question was what if anyone else had seen the stain-was there any stain left on the dinning chair? F***. She didn't even had any pads on her as well. She had left their house early yesterday because of the blackout that the thought of bringing her necessitates didn't even cross her mind. Even taehyung's sister wasn't at home or else she could have talked with her. How long the tissues will be able to hold! Besides this stupid cramp wasn't going away either. Nonetheless she can't stay at the washroom forever. Thinking this she stood up with the support of the sink and unlocked the door. It was a natural thing but somehow she was embarrassed to meet taehyung. He must be thinking how careless she is for forgetting. Seeing her he immediately stood up while she kept her gaze stuck on the floor. He quickly moved the duvet away,fixing the pillow he urged her-

Taehyung : Sit.
Y/n : T-taehyung-
Taehyung : Sit first y/n.

She sighed at his stern voice before walking towards the bed and sitting on the edge as much as possible because she was afraid of ruining the sheets here. He wanted to meet her eyes so that he can ask but she was still avoiding his gaze. So Taehyung brought the chair closer towards the bed and sat down Infront of her and  asked calmly.

After I do || Taehyung ffWhere stories live. Discover now