Our first ♡

498 24 16

"That faint voice of yours that grazed me.
Please call my name one more time"

Y/n chuckled at the story taehyung was sharing with her about his high school days as they walked out from the door of the restaurant, ready to head back. His hand reached out to grab his umbrella from the stand kept at the entrance but stopped in the midway after realising that their umbrella was gone. Infact there wasn't even a single umbrella left there. His gaze became perplexed as he glanced back at y/n who was also baffled after realising that they didn't have any umbrella anymore. What should they do now? None of them had their phones with them either as they had decided to leave it at the hotel to ignore any kinds of distractions. So they can't call at the hotel too. Y/n looked around herself confusedly as she uttered the only solution that came in her mind-

Y/n : Iets inform the restaurant manager. How could just anyone take our things like this-

Saying this Y/n was already turning around to charge the manager when taehyung stopped her by holding her wrist.

Taehyung : Calm down y/n.
Y/n : Ca-calm down? Do you have any other solution- Gosh how can someone do this! What are we supposed to do in such heavy rain-
Taehyung : We can run I mean..??
Y/n : W-what?
Taehyung : The hotel isn't far as we have seen.

Y/n couldn't tell if he was being serious or was joking. No -the later one. Of course he was joking. He's definitely joking.

Y/n : Taehyung I'm being serious-
Taehyung : I'm too. ~ broad smile~ We can just make a quick run for it!

Y/n shook her head in disbelief. He wasn't being rational right now.

Y/n : Taehyung-
Taehyung : Yes y/n... It's just on the next alley.
Y/n : And it's not just a drizzle of rain taehyung! It's literally pouring cats and dogs.
Taehyung : Come on. How harsh can it be!

He replied with a shurg as his hand left her wrist and he started to take few steps back. He was becoming crazy. Y/n should have known right at that moment when he had said it was a date. There's no way it's the same Kim Taehyung she knows. There's no way. The Kim Taehyung that stood Infront of her today was too dreamy. Too dreamy to be real. He was now standing fully under the rain , getting drenching completely. His palms swift over his forehead to brush his wet locks back over his head. His eyes were closed while his face accepted the droplets of rain as if it was nothing. The small smile of his face soon turned into a chuckle as he circled around his steps before stopping right Infront of her. A beautiful smile forming on his face as he extended his hand for her to hold. The smile...The smile of him was perhaps the only glowing thing in this dull weather. The shine of his eyes was the only vivid thing that y/n was able to see now as he spoke.

Taehyung : We haven't had our first dance yet. Should we now?

Y/n just blankly stared at his palms unable to answer anything. Their first dance. They have never done it. Afterall their wedding didn't had any ceremony. She thought he didn't care. But seeing him now waiting for her to take his hand, she could help but wonder if he too had wanted a proper wedding. Should she take this chance? The chance to live their unfulfilled wedding dreams?

Taehyung : Y/n...Can we?

His voice was very soft and gentle as he asked her again but it was enough to shrug all the sounds of the rain away. It was too enchanting that y/n found herself reaching for his hands. Maybe it's a chance for them..Taking a leap of faith she carefully placed her palms on top of his,making his grin grew wider. With one swift pull of his arms he was able to drag y/n close to him. Her one hand unconciously fell on his chest at the sudden pull while her other hand remained on his grasp. His hand tightned its hold around her palms while he moved his right hand up her waist, holding her firm against him as he smiled. Her face leaning down to get shelter from the rain while her eyes scrunched up.

After I do || Taehyung ffWhere stories live. Discover now