Always just subtly

587 34 17

"And if this is the long haul,
how'd we get here so soon?"

Sitting on the edge of the bed wearing her bathrob with the blanket covering her legs, y/n rested her head on taehyung's abdomen who stood Infront of her on his white rob with a hair dryer on his hand that he had been using to dry y/n's hair. His fingers moved over scalp while she sighed for the nth time again.

Y/n : I'm still so sleepy.....
Taehyung : Then sleep. You can meet them later. I'll take you.

Y/n shook her head weakly and replied

Y/n : Aniya.... I should have done it yesterday anyways.
Taehyung : Arrasso.... But let me take you out to eat something first at least. You barely eat anything last night -
Y/n : Taehyung-

She raised her head up to look at him properly and continued

Y/n : You have to be at office before the lunch hour ends. So go now.

Taehyung made a thin line with his lips and replied after sighing.

Taehyung : Then drop me at the office first hmm?! I'll ask the driver to take you home after that? How does that sound?
Y/n : I can go by myself taehyung. It's not my first time. ~ chuckle~ I practically lived there for years.
Taehyung : I know you can.

Brushing his hair away from his forhead he replied

Taehyung : I know you can but I j-just want to ensure that you went safely-Please.

flashing him an assuring smile she replied in defeat

Y/n : Fine- Tell your driver to be on time. Don't make me wait. Hmm..?!

Saying this she stood up while taking the hair dryer from his hand

Y/n : And thanks for it! But don't do these often for me or I'll get used to of it.

She answered with a cheeky smile and walked towards the closet making him chuckle who answered

Taehyung : Then start to get used to of it!

Y/n blushed at his answer and hummed without replying anything . Maybe that's what means to get your heart fluttered.

Stuffing her hands inside the pockets of her brown overcoat,y/n quickly walked our from their house and stood on the porch. Taehyung came out few seconds after and was locking the door when he glanced at y/n who was almost shuddering in cold. Raising his eyebrows he asked

Taehyung : Is this what you are wearing at -5 degrees..?

Y/n's eyes narrowed as she replied

Y/n : What more am I supposed to do? I'm already wearing my hat and mittens.

Taehyung shook his head sighing before taking his muffler off from his neck and making her properly wear it. Fixing it around her neck he answered

Taehyung : Your neck is completely exposed. Stop wearing such dresses when it's these cold.

Her eyes remained on his face while he was focused on her neck to cover the exposed areas from the cold perfectly. Averting her gaze she puffed her cheeks and replied

Y/n : You can catch cold too...
Taehyung : I'm not poorly dressed like you.

He replied and indeed he was right. The thick grey coat over his suit seemed to warm at this moment. Infact his shirt was also fully buttoned up and the neck tie around his neck kept it secured as well. So maybe he was indeed adequately prepared but still she couldn't help but feel her heart warming up at his gesture. Were they always these affectionate to each other or has she just started to notice them? She asked herself in her thoughts when she heard him speaking. The back of his palms came in contact with her cheeks.

After I do || Taehyung ffWhere stories live. Discover now