Patched up tapestry

304 18 13

"She would’ve made such a lovely bride
What a shame she’s fucked in the head, ‘ they said
But you’ll find the real thing instead
She’ll patch up your tapestry that I shred"

She plugged the iron on the electric socket and waited for it to heat up and once it was heated up, she started to move it across the shirt to get rid of the crease. In her head she kept repeating that everything will go well today. She had woken up early today before taehyung. She has chosen his clothes and it will be ready soon. And the breakfast... He wouldn't need To eat the ready to eat food today or at his office cafeteria. The egg roll were done already. The rice will be cooked soon. All she has left to do is fry the rice with kimchi once it's done. Nothing can go wrong this time- wait. The rice will be cooked soon. The cooker- she glanced at the clock and immediately stood up at the realisation. The time was over.  Infact it had been more than 15 mins past the designated time. No-she can't let that same cooker incident happen again. Neither she can ruin his breakfast. Quickly dashing out of their room, she headed to he kitchen and hastily pulled the plug out. But after opening the lid of the cooker, she realised that she was already too late. The rice was overcooked. She used the spoon to check it again. And yes. It had turned soggy. The spoon slipped from her grasp as she stared at the over cooked rice. It's been months. Yet she is unable to do such basic things. It's been months yet she hasn't progressed at all. Even after months of their marriage, she still somehow found herself int he same place.

And maybe it wasn't just even about the rice.

Sighing,she grabbed the cooker and moved it to the corner. She won't let him have it. She can heat some instant rice up for him. She placed the instant rice in the microwave and pressed the buttons to heat it. The microwave lightened up as the packaged rice started to rotate inside while her gaze followed it rotating. Are we going round in circles too taehyung? No matter what route we take, we are still ending up in the same place somehow taehyung? How do I stop it- Something was burning. She could smell it. Was it the packaged rice?! She quickly pressed the stop button quickly and took the rice out. No -it wasn't burning. Infact the smell wasn't coming from here at all. Then form where is it coming? And how is it getting strong?she looked around herself but no- everything seemed fine. Then what could it be- the shirt! Did I not pull the plug out!!

Leaving what she had on her hands hastily on the counter she quickly climbed up the stairs .Yes- the stench was stronger now. Pushing the door of their bedroom aside, she took her step in and came face to face with the scene. Steams were coming out from the sides of iron as it remained flat on the shirt. The shirt was burning. She immediately ran towards it and pulled the plug out as she grabbed the
handle to move it away but it was sticking to the shirt. At this moment she was panicking. Her hands were shaking while she kept trying to take it off. Oh- no it's ruined. She has ruined it. Her fingers kept getting burned here and there as she did vain attempts of saving the shirt, despite of knowing that it was ruined already. She knew that the damage was done but somehow she couldn't let it be. In her head she could keep hearing the word failure. Failure. It's just not the shirt. Nothing is working. Nothing will work. Nothing will ever work.Everything was going out from her hand. The rice, the shirt. She can't fix anything. Everything she touches gets ruined. Then why is she even trying ?! Then how will she change it? She can't change anything. She can't fix anything. She won't be able to fix anything- Taehyung yanked her hand away from the steel plate of the iron bringing her out from her trance.


Her eyes quivered as she panted heavily while staring at the ruined shirt. What am I doing? I'm trying to save the shirt. Is it just the shirt? Is it just the shirt that I'm trying to save? Or is it out relationship?

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