#96: Kevira (I See You)

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Full Name: Kevira

Titles: unknown as of now

Played by: Rachel Hurd-Wood

Played by: Rachel Hurd-Wood

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Age: 14

Species: Na'vi

Weapon of Choice: dagger

Human or Na'vi: Na'vi half breed

Mentored by: her family

Family: Karyuk (father), Kairuza (mother), Tsu'tey (big brother), Lyri'ra (big sister), Neylan (big brother), Zarek (big brother), Tarrin (little brother), Ateyo (baby brother), Jake Sully (godfather), Neytiri (godmother), and Kiri (aunt)

Friends: same as the rest

Enemies: same as the rest

Alignment: HERO

Loyalties: same as the rest

Outfits: she tends to wear more human-like clothing as she rejects her Na'vi side

Outfits: she tends to wear more human-like clothing as she rejects her Na'vi side

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Casual outfit

What she's like: Kevira is the rebellious child of the group. She tends to reject tradition as she hates having to follow rules. She also feels resentful towards her mother for turning her back on her home and family. Most of this stems from the fact that she feels she doesn't get as much attention as Lyri'ra or Kiri.

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