#22: Lady Astrid (The Broken God)

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Title: The Broken God series

Project: not yet started

Fandoms: Thor series, The Avengers series, Captain America series, Agents of SHIELD, other Marvel movies, and Merlin (briefly)

Fandom or original: a mixture of an original storyline with bits and pieces of the movies and shows

Extras Included: preview of sequel

Full Name: Rose Wilde (formerly), Lady Astrid Lofndöttir (true name)

Titles: Princess, Lady, Goddess, Avenger

Alter ego: Enchantress

Nicknames: Rose (standard name), love (by Loki), mortal (by Loki), Code Red (by Tony), Red (by Hawkeye), Miss Wilde (by Steve), and others

Played by: Nina Dobrev

Played by: Nina Dobrev

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(Red hair ^^being the shade most of it is made up of)

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(Red hair ^^being the shade most of it is made up of)

(Red hair ^^being the shade most of it is made up of)

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