#11: Rose Red (Lost In a Fairytale)

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Title: Lost In a Fairytale

Project: not yet started

Fandoms: The Witcher, The Brothers Grimm, and a mixture of different fairytales

Fandom or original: follows some parts of The Witcher and the Brothers Grimm but with mostly an original storyline

Extras Included: fairytales and Disney movies Easter eggs

Full Name: Princess Rose Red

Title: Princess

Nicknames: Red, Scarlet, Crimson, Ruby, Garnet, pretty flower, Princess (multiple), half breed, the half breed abomination, Witch, mutt, the beast (by most people), stepdaughter (by the Mirror Queen), beastie (by Malvina and Giselle), Red as a Rose (by the bard), Rose (by Snow White and Geralt)

Played by: Megan Ory

Played by: Megan Ory

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(But with Red hair)

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(But with Red hair)

(But with Red hair)

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Wolf form

Age: 18

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