#18: Lady Lacey (Destiny Can Wait)

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Full Name: Duchess Lacey Nicholette

Titles: Lady, Duchess

Nicknames: Lacey, pretty girl, pretty as a rose, sweet girl (by multiple)

Played by: Emilie de Ravin

Played by: Emilie de Ravin

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Age: 16 at the start

Abilities: super intelligent, empathic abilities (but very slight), has some fighting experience but very little with weapons

Weapon of Choice: daggers

Family: one of the noble families in Uther Pendragon's kingdom (also thought to be a distant cousin of Rosella, Luna, and Morgause)

Friends: the knights, the nobleladies, Rosella, Luna, Merlin, Arthur, Gwen, Gaius, and Geoffrey

Enemies: same as Rosella

Love Interest: Sir Mordred

Love Interest: Sir Mordred

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Pet: an owl named Artemis

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