Alter #2: Lilith (Madly In Love)

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Name: Lilith

Gender: female

Sexuality: cupidosexual

System Role: the dangerous one

Deviation from the Original: shapeshifter so she can look like anyone but still has the heterochromia eyes

Deviation from the Original: shapeshifter so she can look like anyone but still has the heterochromia eyes

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Voiced by: Catherine Zeta-Jones

Age: 1000s

Species: demon succubus

Powers: shape-shifting, siren call, love spell, hypnotism, draw energy from others to use to her will, some telekinesis

Weapon of Choice: her voice

Weaknesses: If you can see through her power, you can defeat her although this is next to impossible. As her danger level relies heavily on her ability to seduce people and/or put love spells on them, if you fight her on fair ground, she is all but defenseless.

Why she was created: One of the things Rose refuses to talk about is how she was often sexually assaulted, not just as a kid but also by people she trusted as well as the people who did experiments on her. Lilith was born during one of the experiments. She seduced the doctors before murdering them savagely and escaping.

Fronting history: random which is part of the reason she is so dangerous (one minute she's fine then the next she goes MIA when Lilith comes out)

Danger level: 100000000000/10; this alter is extremely dangerous and even those who have dealt with her before have trouble keeping her under control

True form:

True form:

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