Alter #3: Phoenix (Madly In Love)

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Name: Phoenix

Gender: male

Sexuality: gay

System Role: the angry one

Deviation from the Original: has a tattoo of a phoenix up his arm

Deviation from the Original: has a tattoo of a phoenix up his arm

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Voiced by: Noel Fisher

Age: 27

Species: Phoenix, superhuman

Powers: super strength, super speed, super senses, immortal, regeneration

Abilities: amazing at hand to hand combat

Weapon of Choice: his own fists

Weakness: if you can mess with him enough mentally where his mind cannot focus on regenerating you can beat him

Why he was created: Rose spent some time in a high tech prison before being experimented on. Her time in the prison caused her mind to fracture more, causing her to create Phoenix, a super-powered human with the power of the Phoenix, to protect her from the horrors that awaited her.

Fronting history: when she reaches her limit for anger

Danger level: usually average unless he decides to fight then he is nearly unbeatable

True form:

True form:

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