#93: Lyri'ra (I See You)

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Full Name: Lyri'ra

Titles: future spiritual leader

Played by: Deborah Ann Woll

Played by: Deborah Ann Woll

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Age: 16

Species: Na'vi

Powers: the same as her mother

Weapon of Choice: a long staff that looks like a rose

Human or Na'vi: Na'vi half breed

Mentored by: her mother and Eywa

Family: Karyuk (father), Kairuza (mother), Tsu'tey (older brother), Neylan (little brother), Zarek (little brother), Kavira (little sister), Tarrin (little brother), Ateyo (baby brother), Jake Sully (godfather), Neytiri (godmother), and Kiri (aunt)

Friends: same as the others

Enemies: same as the others

Occupation: next in line to serve a spiritual connection with Eywa, a job her mother invented due to her own powers

Alignment: HERO

Loyalties: same as the others


Casual outfit

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Casual outfit

The other tribe

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The other tribe

What she's like: She is the spitting image of her mother with her same fiery personality but kind disposition.

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