Alter #19: The Hangman's Daughter (Madly In Love)

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Name: The Hangman's Daughter

Gender: female

Sexuality: reciprosexual

System Role: artistic side

Deviation from the Original: blue eyes

Deviation from the Original: blue eyes

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Voiced by: Maya Santandrea

Age: unknown but somewhere in her 20s

Species: Psychic and Metahuman

Powers: an amazing painter whose paintings are magical; she can see the future through her paintings, bring her paintings to life, and use them to her advantage in multiple other ways

Abilities: again an amazing painter

Weapon of Choice: paintbrush

Weakness: unknown

Why she was created: She is another alter created through abuse (sexual and otherwise) mostly because of her first foster family. She was created when her suicidal thoughts became too much to bear. She is the twin sister of She Walks In Beauty.

Fronting History: random

Danger Level: depends on what she uses her paintings for

True form:

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