Birthday flutters

Start from the beginning

"Well here's breakfast, take your time, we don't have to leave for another hour and a half." She leans in to give him a kiss which lingers longer than she anticipated. Daniel's hand cups her cheek and with his thumb he gently strokes her soft skin.
"I love you." He whispers when they break apart.
"I love you too old man." She jokes.

"Oi! You little witch." When she turns around to pick up his breakfast he smacks her ass, causing her to yelp and then burst into laughter.

"Daddy! You want present?" Cole had disappeared from the bedroom and comes back with a rolled up piece of paper.
"Absolutely I want my present!" Daniel rubs his hands together, forgetting about breakfast for now.

Cole hands him the paper and Daniel carefully removes the ribbon that Stevie tied around it.
When he opens the paper he sees its a drawing Cole made.
It's four stick people, two big ones and two small ones.
"That is you daddy and that is mummy." He points at the two larger figures. One has brown hair and he even made them curly. The other one has long black lines that are supposed to look like Stevie's hair.

"And this must be you and your sister then?" Daniel points at the two smaller figures.
Cole nods.
"Yeah, our family." Cole says looking proud at his artwork.
"I think it's the best drawing I've ever seen. And the most beautiful family as well." Daniel says swallowing down a lump in his throat.

He didn't think he would be so affected by something so simple like a drawing. But Cole drawing their little family is pulling on his heart strings and he doesn't think there's any gift that could top this.

"Zara made drawing as well." Cole grabs his little sister by the hand and tries to pull her to the bed so she can give her own artwork. The little girl doesn't agree with her big brother dragging her through the room and her face turns angry.
Just when she is about to scream Cole lets her go.

He knows how hard she can scream and it's too early for her to throw a tantrum and hurt his ears.
"Zara come, give daddy gift." He tells her, but Zara isn't planning on handing over the piece of paper she is holding on to.

"It's ok Cole. Maybe she will give it later. Just leave her for now. She doesn't understand yet." Daniel runs his hand through Cole's hair.
He knows Cole just wants him to get all his presents, but Zara is too young to know what's going on. And Daniel also knows how high pitched Zara's screams can be, so he isn't really keen on destroying his hearing today.

Cole pouts a bit, but as soon as Stevie tells him to go to Tina in the kitchen for breakfast he forgets all about his stubborn little sister and heads over to the kitchen where Tina is waiting for him with breakfast pancakes and fruit.

Stevie quickly brings Zara to the kitchen as well so Daniel can enjoy his breakfast in peace and she can give him his birthday presents. It wasn't easy to think of something to get him. It's not like he can't buy whatever he wants, so she really struggled to find him something perfect.

When she returns to the bedroom she is carrying a bag with the gifts she got him.
He is just eating his porridge she made for him which is loaded with fruit and nuts. Besides that she made him toast with avocado and chicken, fresh orange juice and coffee.

"This is delicious baby, thank you." He smiles when she walks inside.
"I'm glad to hear that. Do you want your real presents now?" She asks him.
"You didn't have to get me anything. Coles drawing was already enough and I'm sure Zara made a stunning piece of art as well."

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